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Awards & Badges


Expect lots of close racing on short courses with amazing prizes at stake.

Anyone of any ability is welcome to race and if you haven't ever raced before then no worries! The SWA accomodates evryone.

Racing takes place at Aussie Kiss, Core events and at BUCS Nationals. There are individual entries for beginner, intermediate and advanced divisions at all of these events as well as mixed skill team racing; as many teams can enter in the team racing from each uni so there's no reason to not give it a try. On the water rules are usually pretty relaxed but that doesn't mean anyone is going to just let you past! You don't need any kit (but bringing your own is advisable if you have it to ensure you have kit that you are familiar with) you can always grab kit we or other unis have bought to events as well as the BOARDWISE kit van which has an array of intermediate and advanced kit at all SWA events.

Detailed racing rules, format and categories can be found by following the links below to the SWA website.

SWA Categories and Rules

SWA Points and Format

Don’t expect a huge nationals style fleet at SWA events, if that’s what you’re looking for then get in contact with us and we can point you in the right direction and give you some advice and pointers.


Vice Chair




Club Devolpment Officer

Health and Safety Officer

Transport Officer

Welfare and Inclusivity Officer / Media & Marketing


3 photos
Updated Sat 26 May 2018
UBW 2016/17
20 photos
Updated Tue 16 May 2017