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How Do I Join?

Join the WhatsApp

To join the whatsapp fill out our New Joiner Form.

Do a Swim Test

To do any watersports activity you need to have completed a Swim Test.

Sign Up to a Session

All our sessions cater to beginners (unless stated otherwise). If you just want to give windsurfing a go, Sign Up Here. All you need is the £10 membersip to join, everything else is provided. It's the cheapest kit rental you'll ever pay in your life!

Follow the Instagram

Follow our Instagram for updates on sessions, timings and what's on.


Vice Chair




Club Devolpment Officer

Health and Safety Officer

Transport Officer

Welfare and Inclusivity Officer / Media & Marketing


UBW 2016/17
20 photos
Updated Tue 16 May 2017
3 photos
Updated Sat 26 May 2018