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Learning a new sport, especially water sports, can be expensive (Start windsurfing courses can cost upwards of £130 for a weekend), which is why we provide unlimited tuition from qualified instructors absolutely free.

We regularly run Chew Valley Lake Trips which are open to anyone and is where we teach you how to windsurf. We have dedicated beginner kit and we sail on a lake so the worst that can happen is being blown to other side of the lake, waving for help, getting rescued by one of our safety-boats, then trying again.

Have a look at the list of what we teach so you know roughly what to expect and what to ask the instructor to teach you when you have covered the very basics covered on your first Chew Valley Lake Trip. This way you can learn at your own pace.

At SWA events Aussie Kiss, Core Events there is more beginner tuition available which is included in the ticket so you can keep learning in the setting of a massive student windsurfing weekend. There are ‘free-sailing’ sessions where you can grab some kit that is lying around and go out and mess around on the water.

At SWA events you can also compete in beginner individual racing, it’s a great opportunity to test your skills where efficiency and falling in as little as possible go a long way. Everyone will be like you and it’s a really relaxed environment to progress your windsurfing.

Once you have been taught and learnt the basics at the lake by our instructors you can then start to participate in intermediate events


Vice Chair




Club Devolpment Officer

Health and Safety Officer

Transport Officer

Welfare and Inclusivity Officer / Media & Marketing


UBW 2016/17
20 photos
Updated Tue 16 May 2017
3 photos
Updated Sat 26 May 2018