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What is Cry in the Dark?

In 1998, Steve Cooper and three friends heard about children living in dire circumstances at Dofteana orphanage in Bacau, Northeast Romania and went to see how they could help. They found 26 children in appalling conditions, suffering from malnutrition and neglect. Most had serious illnesses or disabilities. Their plight moved Steve’s compassion into action and Cry in the Dark was born.

Romanian local authorities re-located the children to a hospital, but conditions there were worse. So Cry in the Dark worked hard to urgently raise funds, build a home and find staff. Two years later 24 children moved to Casa Lumina (House of Light) – their new home-for-life.

Casa Lumina

Casa Lumina is a residential care home and family for 22 young people with special needs. We have had them in our care since May 2000. We provide advocacy, care, education, stimulation, holistic support and love to help re-build their lives and reach their full potential.

Casa Lumina is a home for life and it will continue to provide for them as long as each young person requires it.

This involves:
38 staff: a director, nurses, a psychologist, a doctor, educator-carers and support staff.
  • Total care for all the residents.
  • Providing educational and play therapies.
  • Advocacy to help the young people access state, social and medical care.
  • Two new family homes for assisted living and further deveolpment of life skills for twelve of our young people who are more able.


Romania Trip 2011
37 photos
Updated Mon 25 Jul 2011
Romania Aid Trip
34 photos
Updated Wed 22 Aug 2012
Bathwick Hill Fun Run 2010
74 photos
Updated Fri 23 Apr 2010
Photo Marathon
25 photos
Updated Sun 29 Sep 2013
Kids Christmas Party
33 photos
Updated Tue 05 Feb 2013
SCA Socials 2010/2011
5 photos
Updated Mon 25 Jul 2011
V Team Fundraising
7 photos
Updated Mon 25 Jul 2011