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Romania Project 

Project Leader: Kelly Hunter  
[Project dates: 7th - 21st July 2018]
If you're interested in volunteering in Romania next year applications will open in October 2018

Every summer, a group of V Team student volunteers travel out to a small town called Comanesti in North East Romania to work in orphanges for young adults with learning difficulties.

Volunteers will have the chance to volunteer with the charity Cry in the Dark.

The trip enables the volunteers to be immersed in the Romanian culture, pick up some of the language, eat the food, meet the locals, see the country and most importantly volunteer with the charity Cry in the Dark. Activities on past trips have included mask making, rounders, skipping, making friendship bracelets and drawing. The trip is incredibly eye-opening and rewarding.

The cost of this trip will be about £400. This will cover flights, travel within Romania and food. In addition, the team will raise about £150 to buy resources for activities.

By becoming part of V Team you could be one of the volunteers travelling to Romania in the summer of 2018, but if you would prefer to stay closer to home we also need volunteers to help collect resources for the group to take out and run fundraising events. Get involved with this project!!

The dates for Summer 2018 are July 7-July 21.

Please note that we are taking £60 deposit in March to cover the accommodation.



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