Conservation Projects
V Team are working with lots of local conservation projects, watch this space to find out more details in the coming months.

Every year V Team organise a conservation residential with the National Trust in Wales. The site of the project is the Brecon Beacons a beautiful site in Wales and students are asked to undertake a variety of conservation tasks throughout the week. Accommodation is free, all you need is enthusiasm and a willingness to get involved in some hands-on volunteering. You will need to cover the cost of your travel and food/refreshments. Watch this space for the volunteer sign up.

Avon Wildlife Trust have several volunteering opportunities all over Bath and North East Somerset. From Wild Walcot in the centre of Bath to Bathampton Meadows there is definitely something for you.

There are lots of ongoing volunteering opportunities with Vegmead Community Garden based at Hedgemead Park, Bath. Vegmead Community Group’s objective is to continue to build community engagement in the space and use it’s very visible position to signpost other fantastic food growing projects in and around Bath.