This will be where you can find all the tasty recipes that we've created at VegSoc meetings for you to recreate at home!
Activies Day and Fair
Lots of you hopefully saw us on Activites Day and at the Activities Fair where we had Brilliant Beetroot Brownies, Luscious Lemon and Courgette Cake and a Classic Carrot Cake. Click the links or pictures for the recipes!

Week 1
It was great to see so many of you at our first meeting and to have so many requests for the Sweet Potato and Spinach Dahl recipe! So here it is!

Week 2
Another week with a huge turn out! This time for some tasty Morroccan Cous Cous! Hope everyone got enough food! If anyone wants to make some themselves here's the recipe!
Week 3
Bean Stew! It's actually a pretty simple recipe! Here is it!
Week 4
This week was our first social, which was 'Fruit and Veggies at Score!' and we had some great costumes! The meal this week was ratatouille which went well with the film that we watched after, Disney's Ratatouille (totally didn't have to look up how to spell it). Recipe soon.
Week 5
Seeing as it was the night before haloween we decided to do some pumpkin carving and pumpkin soup! We had some impressive pumpkins!! Hopefully you guys can make some soup yourself if you decide to do some more pumpkin carving at home! Prize for the least scary pumpkin definately goes to the dolphin one! Anyway, here's the recipe.
Plus if you want to eat the seeds you can! Ideally boil them for about 5-10mins first and then fry in some hot oil with some spices! We couldn't boil them as we didnt have a pan free which is why they were a bit crunchy!

Week 6
This week was, our Secretary, Callum's Chill.
Week 7
Another social this week, down at The Bell Inn. A great little pub that doesn't amazing pizzas and even better live music!
Week 8
What better way to spend cold winter evenings than with a nice mug of warm Leek and Potato Soup, cooked by Isaac and friends.
Week 9
Curry cooked by some of our lovely members. Still sourcing the recipe!
Week 10

This week we had our joint meal with the Jewish society with a traditional meal of Shakshuka that is popular in Israel. It's a sort of tomato sauce in which you poach eggs.
Week 11
Christmas meal at Bloomsbury cafe! There was nut roast, pumpkin and sage balls, fritatta, carrot and haloumi fritters, beetroot burgers, pear and port gravy and so much more! Thank you to everyone that came and make it a great Christmas Meal!

Semester 2
Week 1
Welcome back everyone! An important week this week! Unfortuantely (for us) our Secretary Callum is heading over to New Zealand to do research this semester so after a small bielection and some help from our Societies Officer Scott we have Emily (Another one) Huffman as our new secretary.
As you can also see, Veg Soc T-shirts are now available, as beautifully modelled by our chair below.

This week's recipe was Pasta E Fagioli. This hearty soup of pasta and beans originates from Puglia in south east Italy.
Week 2
A slightly different meal this week! Taco salad! Which was super tasty and so quick and easy! Definitely one to try at home.

Week 3
Bean wraps and Roller Disco on the Thursday which was so much fun! Also there was supposedly a Harry Potter theme which is why Emily Maw was giving people scars, drawing them on that is!

Week 4
Chick pea curry by Tom Boyce, visits from potential su officers
Week 5
As pancake day was the previous Tuesday we decided to make PANCAKES! To make sure we had enough there was 30eggs, 9litres of milk and 3kg of flour but you don't have to make that much! There was some interesting fillings too, including chocolate spread, banana and cheese all at the same time.