How to arrange your assessed/observed drive
1. After you have applied for your insurance on line, email a PDF copy of your licence check to the Transport Office & make an appointment to take your driving licence to the Activities Office.
2. Wait until you get an email giving you your login details for the booking system. Log in to change your password.
When ALL that has been done, then you can go on a drive:
1. Check the calendar below. It shows when the assessors ARE available.
2. When you find a slot which is convenient for you (you need 2 hours for the drive), email the assessor (their usernames are shown in their available slots) and arrange the drive.
3. If you find that there are no slots which fit your timetable for several weeks, please try booking a slot with Chris Lyon, Facilities & Technical Manager, using this form. Failing this, please email the Transport Office to see if we can help.
Most of the assessors are student volunteers, so please be patient and respectful. They may not respond immediately, since they have lectures and coursework of their own. If you cannot make your assessment for any reason, try to let the assessor know as soon as possible.