Welcome to the social side of Trampolining at Bath...

It is a well known fact that Bath Tramps know how to party. But, between all the fun, we have managed to pass down the legacy of organising the tramp socials to our new commitee! 

The social side of Trampolining is great at training as between each person's turn on the trampoline you get to chat to everyone. And, to ensure that everyone definitely becomes great friends, we plan to hold a bunch of socials!

Check out the photos from previous socials for a small insight into the great times we have had over the past years with way more fun to be had in the coming year!!

The socials come in a range of forms to cater for everyone, whether it is:

  • a tramps night out
  • a competition social
  • a food social (The Christmas Meal, End of Year Meal, Pudding social and more!)
  • a trip to a trampoline park
  • a hilarious rollerblading attempt at roller discos
  • the annual tramps quiz night 
  • And of course, ISTO (Tramp Tour!) and SWEST (Tramp Camp!)

We hold several socials throughout the year, with a wide variety of types such as cake social, ice skating, pub golf, and Score which is either home in our SU or away at Komedia! Speak to any of our committee members about the socials held last year for the chance to hear many stories and if you have any questions for the socials ahead, please contact our social secretary Celeste. We already have a ton of ideas for socials this year and look forward to seeing you all there! Details of all things Tramps can be found in our WhatsApp group which can be joined through our instagram or linktree!

Come make memories with us this year!


Competitions 2013-2014
9 photos
Updated Mon 28 Jul 2014
Bath Comp 2013
17 photos
Updated Mon 28 Jul 2014
Social 2013-2014
30 photos
Updated Thu 31 Jul 2014
Competitions 2015-16
7 photos
Updated Thu 24 Mar 2016
Competitions 2014-15
15 photos
Updated Thu 02 Jul 2015
SWEST 2014
35 photos
Updated Mon 28 Jul 2014
Competitions 2016-17
10 photos
Updated Tue 03 Jan 2017
Gymnastics Sunday session
12 photos
Updated Mon 25 May 2015
Christmas Training
12 photos
Updated Tue 20 Dec 2011