The University of Bath Trampoline Club holds a fun and friendly annual competition, which is usually held the first Saturday of December. Students from our club, as well as those from other universities around the country, attend Bath Comp to compete in a relaxed setting. In 2019 we had a fantastic weekend with almost 450 entries, our most successful competition yet! 

Whether you are a complete beginner and you have just started trampolining or you are a national competitor, everyone is welcome to compete regardless of which level of ability you are! The competition categories are SUTL 7 (Novice) - SUTL Elite, so anybody and everybody can join it!


At the end of the day, time permitting we would plan on holding Russian Roulette Synchro which is always a hit and so much fun! Randomised partners are generated and you both try to compete the same routine (the set routine of the lowest level in that partnership) as a Synchonised Pair. This is a fab way to finish off the competition day as it's great fun and really entertaining to watch. 

Once again, this year Bath are hosting a competition; however, this year Bath Comp will be held in mid/late February (after the Inter-Semester Break) for the Southern Universities Trampoline League (SUTL)We will use their routines for the competition, and as a SUTL affiliated club, we hope you will help us get POINTS POINTS POINTS! There are also, of course, the coveted Bath Comp medals which are up for grabs!

Once all the hard work and competing is over, the day ends with food and preparations for an awesome night in the SU with all the tramps! The theme for the night is yet to be decided, but we will keep you posted :)

So why not give competing a go, come along to Bath Comp, and have a great day of jumping followed by a great night!

Any questions? Email your Events Coordinators, Jonty Sewell ( and Amelie Woodbridge-Cox ( 



SWEST 2014
35 photos
Updated Mon 28 Jul 2014
Bath Comp 2013
17 photos
Updated Mon 28 Jul 2014
Competitions 2015-16
7 photos
Updated Thu 24 Mar 2016
Gymnastics Sunday session
12 photos
Updated Mon 25 May 2015
Competitions 2016-17
10 photos
Updated Tue 03 Jan 2017
Social 2013-2014
30 photos
Updated Thu 31 Jul 2014
Competitions 2014-15
15 photos
Updated Thu 02 Jul 2015
Competitions 2013-2014
9 photos
Updated Mon 28 Jul 2014
Christmas Training
12 photos
Updated Tue 20 Dec 2011