Olivia Warner

Sport Officer

Hey! I’m Olivia and I am going to be your SU Sports Officer for 24/25!

I am graduating this year with a Masters in Maths, which has been core to an amazing journey throughout university. My final project was based around the mathematical theory of knots, which is more interesting than it sounds!

I am an avid all-round fan of sports, whether that be watching the football down the pub or a round of tennis with my friends. My focal sport throughout university has been that of cue sports, where being part of the society has been easily my favourite part of my university experience. Winning a couple of BUCS championship golds helps too, I guess ;).

I loved being on the committee for the club and realised that I loved helping my peers and trying to make the club as great as it could be. I feel privileged to be able to now try and do this for all sport clubs, and I am here to make the student sporting offer as streamlined and impressive as it can be.

I have plenty of ideas for the upcoming year, and I’m hoping that I can make a lasting impression on our already amazing student body. I am always open for a chat or other ideas, so please do not hesitate to send me an email!

I’m really looking forward to spending the next year with everyone!

My Manifesto

