
The Bath Student Minds Campaigns Committee aims to listen to the student body and campaign for improvement where student mental health is not currently prioritised/treated properly. This could involve campaigning to improve attitudes towards certain mental health difficulties, attempting to improve various student services or trying to boost student mental health's priority within academic studies.

How Can I Get Involved?

In terms of improving student mental health here in Bath, we welcome any experiences or feedback from students! Throughout the year we will be getting in touch with as many students as possible via surveys, listening workshops (i.e focus groups) or other means. However, if we are not formally running any listening schemes, you can always email us with any questions, feedback or experiences relating to mental health at Bath. You can also send us an email if you want to be added to our mailing list so that you'll be kept up to date with volunteering opportunities and events we're running soon.

Anything you send us will be treated confidentially and securely so please feel free to get in touch at and we'll be very happy to help!




Events and Campaigns Coordinator

Fundraising Officer