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British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS) is the national governing body for higher education sport in the UK. We have a strong presence in BUCS league competing in 20 sports with 68 teams entered, playing fixtures in BUCS leagues every Wednesday and weekend. We compete against other institutions in leagues and knockout competitions which culminate in the end of season BUCS Western Conference Finals and Big BUCS Wednesday. For more information on BUCS click on these links BUCS British Universities & Colleges Sport (BUCS) and Playwaze - Register with Playwaze.

BUCS Membership - 2024/25

BUCS League Fee - £80* 

BUCS Events one-off annual fee - Approx £65-100*  

If you are selected to compete in BUCS competitions, then there is additional fees.

This covers:

Again, all of these costs are heavily subsidised by the Students' Union, however, there may be additional costs for some competitions, such as for competitor’s accommodation if an event runs over the weekend or abroad. 

You can only buy the BUCS Fee for your club after you have paid the membership fee. The BUCS Fee can be found on the products page of the relevant club.

For the year 24/25 the University of Bath will not be affiliating to English University of Sport (EUS)

*All prices above are for the 2024-2025 academic year and may be subject to change in future years.


BUCS League Terms and Conditions


  • Anyone participating in more than one BUCS fixture in their selected sport will not be entitled to a refund.
  • If you find during the BUCS season you play only one BUCS fixture in your selected sport you may request a part refund at the end of the season no later than 31st May by emailing your Club Chair and  Any refund requests after this date will not be actioned.

By purchasing the BUCS League Fee I agree to:

  1. adhere to the University of Bath Students' Union Sport BUCS Athlete Code of Conduct.
  2. my name, University of Bath email address, student number (and other relevant/personal data required to be a BUCS athlete) to be passed onto British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS), National Governing Bodies (NGBs) BUCS member institutions and the University of Bath's Sports Department (this is a requirement in order to be a BUCS Athlete). Your data will be held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998
  3. my picture being taken and the image being used by the University of Bath and BUCS. Your image will not be sold, but may be used for future marketing or promotional purposes. If you do not wish for your image to be used, please inform


BUCS Events Terms and Conditions


  • Any late withdrawals after 12pm on the events Institution Aministrator (IA) deadline date will not be refunded.
  • If you have not entered any tournaments then you may request a refund of your sports one-off events fee no later than 30th June by emailing your Club Chair and  Any refund requests after this date will not be actioned.

By purchasing the BUCS Events Fee I agree to:

  1. adhere to the University of Bath Students' Union Sport BUCS Athlete Code of Conduct.
  2. my name, University of Bath email address, student number (and other relevant/personal data required to be a BUCS athlete) to be passed onto British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS), National Governing Bodies (NGBs) BUCS member institutions and the University of Bath's Sports Department (this is a requirement in order to be a BUCS Athlete). Your data will be held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998
  3. my picture being taken and the image being used by the University of Bath and BUCS. Your image will not be sold, but may be used for future marketing or promotional purposes. If you do not wish for your image to be used, please inform
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