What We Do
We run hourly sessions from 2-5 PM on Wednesday afternoons in the East overflow carpark. We aim for the first two hours to be available for those new to skating. In these sessions we plan to teach the complete basics such as pushing and turning and get people riding a skateboard for the first time. Boards, helmets and pads will be available to borrow. The last hour will be for any who already feels comfortable on a board to come along to learn new tricks and skate with friends.
We will run regular skates at the local skateparks in Bath and the other spots in the city. With Bristol minutes away on the train, we'll visit all the parks and spots there too. We'd love to get up to London too, and we have dreams of a trip to Barcelona, Berlin or some other skate capital of Europe... keep your eyes peeled.
We will host a variety of socials! From trips to the pub to skate movie premieres and meals out, there will be loads on and lots of oppurtunity to meet skaters and make friends. We want to create a friendly, relaxed community and there will be no pressure to drink! We just want everyone to be comfortable and having fun.
(As a new society not everything is set in stone. And throghout the coming weeks we will have more concrete information on timings, sign ups and session plans.)

Reasons to Join Us
We beleive there are two simple reasons to join our society. You either love skating already or you have always wanted to try but never had the chance to do so.
Our society offers an inclusive and friendly introduction into skateboarding, where people can try the sport in a comfortable and safe environement. Our team will be at hand to provide their knowledge to ensure everyone attending has the support they need to begin skating!
Our commitee members formed a friendship after meeting through skating last year, we hope to provide students at the University the same oppurtunity to meet new people through the society and join our fun and open community.
Everyone is welcome!
If you ever have any questions, concerns or want to chat, email us or message the instagram and we will get back to you. Alternatively, meet us at a social event or at one of the free skates. Hopefully see you soon!