W H O A R E W E?
Welcome to Bath's Tea Society. Our mindset is a good cuppa can solve anything. Whether you need a cheer up and a chat, meet fellow tea-lovers or a break then welcome to the SocieTEA.
We aim to create a calm and inclusive environment, away from the stress and the pressure of university life.
W H A T D O W E D O?
With at least fortnightly meetings and a specialitea of the month, we will host tea based social events as well as on campus meet ups. We also believe in doing our bit for the planet so be sure to bring your own mug! We will have more events such as mug painting and aftenoon tea trips as the year goes on!
C O M E A N D M E E T U S:
Follow us on instagram and come along to a social. Or feel free to message or email one of us.
S O C I A L S :
Throughout the year there will be many opportunities to indulge further in tea, including mixology workshops, cafe catch ups and more! For additional information about upcoming events, check out our Instagram page (link to the left).