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Awards & Badges

About the sport

Clay Pigeon Shooting is the art of shooting targets made from clay discs that are launched from automatic traps at a variety of different angles and trajectories. A shotgun is used by the shooter to precisely break the clay. 

The sport has a number of disciplines, however the one that the club mainly shoots is English Sporting. This offers a wide range of targets which imitate animals such as rabbit, teal and driven pheasant.

About the club

We visit a variety of grounds in order to cater for both beginner and experienced shots.  As a member of the University Club you will benefit from transport to and from the shooting grounds, and ammunition at wholesale prices.

The club owns a variety of shotguns in both 12 and 20 gauge for the use of club members for free, and provides cartridges and clays at cost price.  Experienced members provide coaching and supervision to new members to ensure a safe, enjoyable and rewarding introduction to the sport. If there is interest, we can also inquire about expert tuition at discounted prices for members looking to enhance their scores and consistency.

We compete at a number of local and national competions with other universities across the UK. In the past few years we have competed at the Cardiff Shooting Invitational, as well as university competitions at St Andrews and Bristol. We also hope to hold our very own Bath Challenge and Ball this year, so keep an eye out for updates!

This year we hope to expand our competion list with more travelling up and down the country to university competitions and friendlies. These trips often take place over weekends and offer the opportunity to socialise with members of other shooting clubs (and a well-deserved break from the campus bubble). Entry is open to all current members so long as you are safe when handling a gun - we do not hold entry trials for competitions.

Club constitution

Equipment storage

If you have your own gun and would like to store it on campus, we have space available in our club cabinets. Please contact us by email to arrange storage.


We take the safety of our club members very seriously.  Although clay pigeon shooting as a very safe sport, there are naturally some risks when handling shotguns.  The cooperation of our members is essential to ensure our trips are safe and enjoyable for all.  Below are copies of our risk assessments and shooting code of practice:

Risk assessment 2021/22

Shotgun safety policy 2018/19

Eye and hearing protection is provided for all members.



Events Secretary

Kit and Sponsorship Secretary

Shotgun Captain

Social Secretary

Welfare and Publicity Secretary


Clay Pigeon Shooting 2010
5 photos
Updated Thu 18 Mar 2010
BUCS 2017
1 photo
Updated Mon 04 Dec 2017
Training at Southern Counties
7 photos
Updated Sun 27 Jul 2008
2008-2009 Year in Pictures
11 photos
Updated Thu 02 Jul 2009
BUCS 2013
7 photos
Updated Thu 14 Aug 2014
Random Piccies
21 photos
Updated Tue 19 Aug 2008
BUCS 2010
22 photos
Updated Sun 27 Jun 2010
BUCS 2016
1 photo
Updated Tue 06 Dec 2016
Shooting 2011
34 photos
Updated Tue 13 Sep 2011