Latin Loco
We hold the majority of our socials at the club Zero Zero in Bath, which hosts Latin Loco on a Thursday. It's a night full of the best latin pop, and as a society, it's our favourite night!
We meet at Zero Zero before the club officially opens, for a committee-taught lesson which is followed by social dancing. Once the club opens to the public, you'll find the Salseros showing off their non-salsa moves on the dance floor. If a club night isn't your vibe, we have a number of members who leave after the Salsa part of the social.
We hold Latin Loco socials every 2-3 weeks!

Other Socials and Events
We hold a variety of socials across the year which include:
- Latin Loco Social Dancing
- Ice Skating
- Salsa Christmas and End-Of-Year Dinner
- Casual Meet-ups and Reunions
- Casual Salsa Social Dancing Events - such as a yearly same-sex competition
- Summer Salsa Ball

Online Socials (2019/20)

Even COVID couldn't stop the Salsa Spirit! We brought the Latin to the lockdown through our online socials via Teams.
[As of September 2021, all events have been in person, and will continue to be in person, in line with current Government guidelines]