We have partnered with Veezu, a local taxi company, to offer you a safe journey home after a night out, without having to pay on the night!
So if you find yourself in a situation where you feel unsafe and haven't got the money to get home, we can help!
All you need to do is:
- Call Veezu on 01225 464646 quoting "Bath University Safe Taxi Scheme"
- Show your library card when getting in the taxi, so the driver has your student number
- You will be sent an email asking for repayment by the SU within a month, you have 14 days to settle the payment *
The scheme can be used any day from 22:00 to 05:00 up to a maximum fare of £20.
Taxis will only be able to take you to a police station, hospital or student address.
If you are unable to access the scheme, if you require any assistance or welfare support, or if you are heavily under the influence of alcohol/drugs, please contact university security on +441225 383999 (emergency) or +441225 385349 (non-emergency).
* This scheme will be discontinued if students are not repaying, due to the financial implications for the SU.