Development Squad

Our team with our lovely coach Paula Coward (pictured second from the left)

Our two development squads compete in a friendly league with other universities in the South West. These competitions are run in exactly the same way as BUCS however do not contribute to the university BUCS points. They are an amazing way to develop your skills and compete in a friendly environment before progressing to the BUCS level.  

Each team attends four competitions throughout the year, both at home, and away. You will be riding a variety of different horses, and learning to adapt your riding style accordingly. Each competition consists of a dressage test, and a showjumping round (normally around 80cm). If you are interested, please make sure to sign up to our team trials at the beginning of next year! 

Trials are hosted at the beginning of each academic year so keep an eye out for the trial product on the products page from the beginning of October.

Our teams have consistently done well, and individuals have consistently been moved up to the BUCS league after strong performances.              






BUCS Nationals 2015
7 photos
Updated Thu 20 Aug 2015
3rds Team 2012/13
19 photos
Updated Thu 07 Mar 2013
9 photos
Updated Tue 20 Oct 2015
Gymkhana 2013
5 photos
Updated Fri 12 Jul 2013
Riding 2014-2015
14 photos
Updated Thu 20 Aug 2015
Gymkhana 09
67 photos
Updated Sun 10 Jan 2010
Cross country and trek 2013
4 photos
Updated Fri 12 Jul 2013
Riding Club Competitions 2013-2014
12 photos
Updated Wed 06 Aug 2014
BUCS 2011/2012
26 photos
Updated Tue 12 Jun 2012
Clear round jumping 2013
9 photos
Updated Fri 12 Jul 2013