We organise weekly lessons at Druids Lodge Polo Club for all riding club members. Druids Lodge have a fantastic focus on University polo, catering for most universities in the South including Bath Spa, Bristol, Southampton and Exeter. This means that there are plenty of opportunities to take part in university tournaments, or matches throughout the year. Annual events such as the Fireside polo or other fixtures allow you, as a spectator, to enjoy some faster arena and summer polo.

Training sessions take place weekly with slots booked out exclusively for us, or combined with players from other universities. Different slots cater for beginner, novice and intermediate levels. You don't even need to own any kit, these are all included in the price of a lesson on one of the amazing polo ponies at Druids Lodge. There are two types of polo; arena polo which is played in the winter months, and summer polo played over summer. 

Druids Lodge offer a heavily discounted price per session, with further discounts for drivers to beginner slots, so polo is never so affordable or accesible as when you are a university student.

You do NOT need to have any riding experience to come to polo! This is a complete myth! Some riding expereince may help, however everyone needs to start somewhere, and plenty of non-riders have enjoyed university polo over the years! 

We will be running a handful of 2hr polo taster sessions throughout the year, so if you are unsure about the sport feel free to come along! More information will be sent out nearer the time.


Clear round jumping 2013
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Updated Fri 12 Jul 2013
BUCS 2011/2012
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Updated Tue 12 Jun 2012
Gymkhana 2013
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Updated Fri 12 Jul 2013
Cross country and trek 2013
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Updated Fri 12 Jul 2013
9 photos
Updated Tue 20 Oct 2015
3rds Team 2012/13
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Updated Thu 07 Mar 2013
Riding Club Competitions 2013-2014
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Updated Wed 06 Aug 2014
BUCS Nationals 2015
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Updated Thu 20 Aug 2015
Gymkhana 09
67 photos
Updated Sun 10 Jan 2010
Riding 2014-2015
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Updated Thu 20 Aug 2015