Any questions that you have that aren't answered here please don't hesitate to contact any of the committee directly, or send an email to the club at su-riding@bath.ac.uk 

1. Are the weekly riding lessons suitable for beginners?

They are absolutely suitable for beginners and people will be grouped depending on their ability, the stables that the lessons are run at cater to all abilities from never having sat on a horse up to jumping around a course and doing lateral movements. They also offer a riding simulator for those who have never ridden before, are doing rehab, want to improve their skills, or run through their dressage test.

2. How much are the lessons per week?

The lessons cost £44 for a 45 minute group session, semi-private (2-3 people) for £51 or private lessons for £66 are available. We also do packages of 6 or 10 which gives you a discount off of the price, please email Olive at ys2507@bath.ac.uk to find out more or take a look at our products page.

3. When will the weekly lessons start?

The weekly lessons will start soon after out tasters within freshers week, so keep checking our Whatsapp group chat and the products page.

4. Do I have to pay and go to the lessons every week? 

No, there is no requirement to go every week and you only pay for the lessons that you want to go to. You can start at any point during the semester. Unfortunately, if you cancel within 48hrs of the start of the lesson you will need to pay the full amount.

5. How does the block booking of 6 or 10 lessons work?

You will pay for the whole block upfront and then will be automatically signed up for the next 6 or 10 Wednesday lessons. If you need to skip a Wednesday give us at least 48hrs notice and then you can skip that week without it counting towards your number of lessons. The block payment is valid for the whole year.

6. How many people are in a group for the lessons?

There will be 4 or 5 people in the group sessions.

7. Is it possible to rent equipment such as riding hats, boots, jodhpurs and back protectors?

It is possible to rent a riding hat, boots and back protector from Rein and Shine Stables for your lessons at no extra cost. 

8. Is it possible to hire equipment for trials?

You will be able to borrow a helmet and a back protector but no riding boots or jodhpurs.

9. What level do I need to be riding at to come to trials?

You need to be confident in walk, trot and canter as well as riding round a course of 80cm.

10. How often and when do the teams train?

This will vary by team 

11. When does training or the weekly lessons take place?

Team training and the weekly lessons tend to take place on a Wednesday afternoon or at the weekends, the same as the BUCS and development squad competitions. 

12. How much does Trials cost?

Trials this year cost £47 per person and were on the afternoon of 9th October. To sign up buy the riding membership and then look out for the trial product on the product page.


3rds Team 2012/13
19 photos
Updated Thu 07 Mar 2013
Riding Club Competitions 2013-2014
12 photos
Updated Wed 06 Aug 2014
Gymkhana 2013
5 photos
Updated Fri 12 Jul 2013
Riding 2014-2015
14 photos
Updated Thu 20 Aug 2015
BUCS Nationals 2015
7 photos
Updated Thu 20 Aug 2015
BUCS 2011/2012
26 photos
Updated Tue 12 Jun 2012
9 photos
Updated Tue 20 Oct 2015
Cross country and trek 2013
4 photos
Updated Fri 12 Jul 2013
Gymkhana 09
67 photos
Updated Sun 10 Jan 2010
Clear round jumping 2013
9 photos
Updated Fri 12 Jul 2013