Here are lots of resources to help you in your role as a PAL Leader. This page is updated throughout the year so keep checking back!
Got something you want to share with other PAL Leaders? Send it in to and we can upload it here!
There is more to find to help you in your role on the Student Leader Hub. This includes additional resources and opportunities for personal development.
Go to the Student Leader Hub
Look back over PAL Leader training here.
Starter activities and ice breakers
Main Activities
Plenary or Summary Activities
- Plenary Ideas - ideas for simple summary activities you can use at the end of your sessions.
- Plenary generator - find lots of ideas for activities to close your session.
Recap the key facilitation techniques that you can use in your PAL Sessions.
Information to help you create an inclusive learning environment for different groups of students.
The following resources are available from the Peer Support Team to support your PAL sessions. We have a limited budget to purchase additional materials so if there is something additional you want to use in your sessions, we can look into purchasing new resources.
Resource Activity Ideas for your sessions
- Balls – football, tennis ball, ball pit balls, table tennis balls
- Beer Pong sets for Peer Pong
- Dice (numbered dice and conversation starter dice)
- Emoji stamps x 8
- Frisbee
- Hook a duck set
- Idea flash cards
- Mini bean bags x 7
- Playdoh
- Quiz buzzers
- Slinky
- String x 2
- Toothpicks
- Traffic light cards
- Treasure chest
- Whiteboard magnets
The follow stationary can also be collected from the Peer Support Office for use in your sessions.
- Biro pens
- Blue/White tac
- Board eraser
- Board pens
- Card
- Dream Big note pads
- Flip chart paper
- Highlighters
- Mini whiteboards
- Plain / colour A4 paper
- Plain white A3 paper
- Post-it notes
- Scissors
This handbook can help remind you of the main points covered in your training.
The following resources can be used to help setup your PAL session, and get your attendees speaking the language.