Sport and Exercise Science student Jasmin Eveleigh talks about her experiences of being a placement peer mentor, helping pre-placement students including Evelien Arts, prepare for their year ahead.
“I know what it feels like to want some reassurance from someone who has been through that same experience.”
- Jasmin Eveleigh, MSci(Hons) Sport and Exercise Science with Professional Placement
What made you decide to get involved with the placement peer mentoring scheme?
The scheme wasn't available to me whilst I was applying for a placement and I found the application period quite scary. I know what it feels like to want some reassurance from someone who has been through that same experience! Having been a peer mentor during my second year I was keen to mentor again. It's a great opportunity to gain some extra skills for the future and my mentoring experience was always discussed in interviews.
What sort of support did you give to your mentees over the year?
I shared my placement experiences to help reassure mentees. I provided support on range of topics from cover letters to finding placement accommodation. I also discussed alternative options to placement for a mentee who hadn't managed to secure one.
What has been the most positive aspect of being a placement mentor?
Being able to watch someone who is worried about a part of the placement process become more relaxed after you've told them that it's normal to be anxious and that all of the returners had a great time on placement!
What has surprised you about the scheme/ something you were not anticipating?
The wide range of support I provided, as I was expecting most people's concerns to be about interviews. I actually didn’t help anyone with an interview, they chose to go to staff for that. I was used more for reassurance and to answer questions on housing and day-to-day life on placement.
How will being a placement peer mentor help you for the future?
Being a mentor has helped me learn to really listen to people as everyone’s concerns and experiences are different. It's also taught me that you don’t have the answer to every question, and has made me more confident in pointing people towards someone better suited to help. Discussions with mentees, other mentors and the peer mentoring team have made me feel more confident about speaking in a group. Mentoring was lots of fun too!
If you had to sum up the Placement Peer Mentoring scheme in three words, what would they be?
Sociable, rewarding and fun.