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What is Language PAL?

PAL stands for Peer Assisted Learning and isn’t exclusive to Bath – thousands of students attend PAL sessions around the world every week. 

Language PAL is an informal way to learn or develop language skills in a relaxed and friendly way. The sessions are run by students who are native, or near-native speakers of a particular language.

Running weekly across Semester One and Semester Two, they are usually split between beginner or more intermedite or advanced level.

You don't need to be learning a language as part of your course to attend - perhaps you're planning a trip, have always been interested in learning a new language, or just want to build or develop on exisiting skills.

Each session covers a different topic, from film to food, music to animals and you get to learn about the culture and dialects of each place too!

Language PAL semester 2 timetable now available

Quotes from attendees

"Fun way of learning a language. You can learn and make friends at the same time. I find PAL a really good initiative"

Previous Language PAL leader said - "I am truly happy to have the opportunity to connect with like-minded students who share my passion for language, and together, we strive to co-create a fun, inclusive, and supportive learning environment for students at all levels".

Previous Senior PAL leader said, “Serving as a Senior PAL leader is an excellent opportunity to gain valuable experience, enhance your CV, and establish connections within the SU.”


Become a PAL leader.

Language PAL leaders are native, or near-native speakers of a chosen language. Language PAL leaders work as pairs or threes and volunteer their time to plan and lead sessions, facilitate discussions and activities and support their peers.

Language PAL leaders receive training and support from not only the Peer Support team, but also Senior PAL leaders, so they won't ever be on their own.

All you need to do to become a Language PAL Leader is complete a short application form demonstrating why you would make a great Language PAL Leader. We recommend reading the role description and outlining the skills and experiences you have that are relevant to the role. 

Read the role description

Applications are open twice a year for each semester. Applications for semester two open on the 25 November. 

Apply here to be a Language PAL Leader

Become a Senior PAL Leader

Senior Language PAL Leaders act as a mentor for new Language PAL Leaders, facilitating weekly debriefs and supporting Language PAL Leaders to plan sessions, develop activities and resolve issues. They also work with the Peer Support Team to run training and personal development opportunities for Language PAL Leaders. 

Applications are open once a year from April to September.

Read the Senior PAL Leader role description

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