| Will you give me advice or tell me what to do?
Nightline is a listening service, rather than an advice service. We believe in helping callers to work through issues themselves, as only they know what is best for them. We can signpost to other services if you require specific information or support, but we will never tell you what to do.
| Who will I be speaking to?
All of our volunteers are students at the University of Bath just like you – they may be on any course or in any year of study. They have been specially trained to speak to other students and talk them through their problems, so you can be sure that there will be a supportive voice on the end of the phone for you.
| How long can I speak to you for?
We try to limit calls and IMs to 2 hours (or sometimes 30 minutes if we are particularly busy). This is so that we can support as many students who need us as possible.
| What can I do if Nightline is closed?
If we’re unavailable at the moment, there are lots of other services you could consider contacting instead. Please see the Contact Us page for more information.