Vote on which charities will receive student fundraising money in the 2024-25 academic year
This week only - Vote for your Top Two charities!
Each year, we have the opportunity to choose charities that receive an equal share of RAG's fundraising money for that year. We have some amazing charities to choose between, which you can vote on now. Voting is open to all students at the University of Bath.
Voting opens at 09:00 on Monday 29 April and closes at 17:00 on Friday 3 May.

Who to vote for? All charities are deserving and it can feel hard to choose. Your vote might go towards a cause that you feel passionate about or are connected with, or perhaps to a local charity in or near the city of Bath. Whether you vote for a charity supporting sustainability, mental health, younger/older generations or something else, your vote will make a big difference to those in need.
List of charities
Bath City Farm
A local community farm which also runs therapeutic programmes for children, young people and adults with mental health challenges
Bath City Farm
Bath Gateway Out And About
Local charity supporting adults with learning disabilities, providing a range of fun social and leisure activities
Bath Gateway Out & About
Butterflies Haven
A small charity based near Bath supporting children living with autism
Butterflies Haven
Connecting Generations
Helping connect the older generation to the digital world to avoid social isolation
Great Western Air Ambulance Charity
The primary air ambulance for Bath, Bristol and Gloucestershire bringing fast and specialist care to serious incidents
Great Western Air Ambulance Charity
Share and Repair
Bath-based charity which runs Repair Cafes and a ‘Library of Things’ borrowing service
Bath Share and Repair
Charity supporting people affected by domestic and sexual abuse
List of charities - more information
Bath City Farm
A local community farm which also runs therapeutic programmes for children, young people and adults with mental health challenges
Our charity welcomes around 50,000 visitors each year from Bath and beyond who benefit from the biodiversity of our 37-acre site, education, and time with our farm animals. In addition, we support around 1,300 children, young people, and adults with mental health challenges or additional learning needs a year, through therapeutic programmes in horticulture, animal therapy and cooking.
Our vision is to create a healthy community rooted in nature, food, farming, and each other.
Our mission is that we are a welcoming urban Farm using our unique setting and targeted projects to educate, improve wellbeing and transform lives.
This means that through education we seek to support disadvantaged and disabled people to develop new skills.
We aim to boost health and wellbeing.
We aim to bring enjoyment and education in horticulture, farming, and nature.
We aim to grow the number of people engaged in their local community.
Bath City Farm
Bath Gateway Out And About
Bath Gateway Out and About provides a wide range of age appropriate fun social and leisure activities for sixty or more adults with learning disabilities. We provide activities that can make a real difference to our members’ lives, not only integrating them into the local communities around Bath, but also increasing their confidence and independence.
Bath Gateway Out & About
Butterflies Haven
Butterflies Haven supports families living with Autism in terms of diagnosis and support sessions.
They provide a safe space for children and young people with an autism spectrum condition to play, interact, socialise and explore the resources they have to offer. Through various initiatives they enhance social, life and safety skills to encourage adult independence.
Butterflies Haven
Connecting Generations
Our direct beneficiaries are older adults in BANES who are vulnerable to social isolation, made worse by the ever developing digital age. Our work is also beneficial to our volunteers and those delivering help-sessions. Community outreach and social action have proven links to improved mental health, meaning those who are equipped by us as student volunteers benefit from our work.
Great Western Air Ambulance Charity
Great Western Air Ambulance Charity (GWAAC) is the primary air ambulance for Bath and North East Somerset, North Somerset, Bristol and Gloucestershire. Attending an average of five patients a day, GWAAC’s priority is to get to the patient fast, bringing the level of care and specialist equipment only usually found in a hospital. The crew respond to the most serious of incidents, from cardiac arrests to road traffic collisions and can perform a range of lifesaving interventions.
Great Western Air Ambulance Charity
Share and Repair
Helping local people save money and the planet through Reduce, Repair and Reuse
We create opportunities to reduce, repair, reuse and learn. We do this through:
Bath Share and Repair
We service the BANES area offering support to people who have been affected by domestic and sexual abuse. Any one who has been through DA or SA can self refer to our services and we also work alongside other services such as NHS and IDVA who refer their clients into our services. VOICES offer a range of services by and for those who are struggling after having experienced domestic abuse. As well as recovery work we can help women to identify abusive behaviour in current relationships through our group work.