A fantastic opportunity for our President Jiji!

We are absolutely thrilled to announce that SU President, Jimena ‘Jiji’ Alamo, has been selected as the Chair for the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education’s (QAA) Student Strategic Advisory Committee.

The QAA is an independent charity working to benefit students, with students involved in all aspects of their work. They are trusted by higher education providers and regulatory bodies to maintain and enhance quality and standards in the UK and around the globe.

The SSAC is a committee that works with the board of the QAA, facilitating discussions between students and QAA on developments in higher education. It is jointly chaired by the two student members of the QAA Board and meetings are routinely attended by members of the Board and the Chief Executive. The SSAC can influence the conversation about student experience and what quality and standards mean for students at a national and international level.

Jiji will be co-chairing the SSAC with Alex Stanley, Vice President for Higher Education for NUS. She had this to say about her upcoming position: “I am thrilled to be joining the QAA's board and for the opportunity to chair the SSAC. The QAA does wonderful work nationally and internationally, and I am very grateful to have been chosen to represent students in this space. Getting to do it with my good friend Alex Stanley is a welcomed plus!"

The SU Bath Chief Executive Ryan Bird commented  “It is great for the SU to have an officer influencing national policy in this way.”

To find out more about Jiji, your other SU officers and the work they do view the Officer Webpage.