The SU Bath won the People Services award at the Bath Life Award 2021.
Last night The SU, University of Bath won the People Services award at the Bath Life Awards! This is such an incredible achievement and we want to give an enormous thank you to each and every single one of you who contributed to the Students’ Union over the last year.
It has been a tough year. For the most part we haven’t been together, but the work you all did never stopped.
All the virtual training sessions, peer assisted learning sessions, volunteering in the community, virtual sessions on SU Bath Community on Facebook and support networks contributed to us winning this award.
Whilst things were a little different, we opened East Village, 4 outdoor bars, were heavily involved in BANES 3SG and their compassionate community scheme, had 1581 students sign up to volunteer opportunities, and highlighted key issues that needed to be changed creating an anti-racist campus report. None of these things would have been possible if it wasn’t for you and our fantastic student community.
The SU is a charity, and like many others, the pandemic hit the SU’s finances, meaning we had less budget to work with. Regardless of this, you went above and beyond, adapted your plans and worked together to keep the student community thriving.
As the new academic year is about to begin I can’t wait to see what incredible things are about to happen. We are all extremely proud to be part of the SU Bath and hope you are too!