The SU

Bus Feedback Update

Bus Feedback Update

Response to bus feedback collected since the start of the Academic Year.

A huge thank you to everyone who has so far shared their bus experiences from this week with us, either via email or through our bus feedback form.

The feedback form is still live and collecting feedback, so do share your thoughts (you can complete the form more than once if there are multiple journeys you wish to comment on). Please include as much information as possible, we have now included a space for you to specify the stop where you were boarding your bus to help provide as much detail as possible.

You can also email First or Lemon directly: for First delivered services
Copy into emails you send direct.

From the feedback we’ve received so far, we’re hearing about the following key issues:

  • Long queues and wait times for peak time buses in the morning, with students arriving late for 9.15 lectures,
  • Impact from the change in route for peak U2 buses, with knock on impacts to the Green Park bus stop,
  • Information on the bus stop information board displays being incorrect,
  • Buses not arriving, or multiple buses driving past stops already full of passengers.

We have forwarded every piece of feedback we have received to date to First. They have informed us that they are reviewing the feedback and will action those where enough detail has been left for them to do an investigation (this is why including as much detail as possible is important).

They told us that as well as the volume of passengers, the traffic lights on Bathwick Hill and increased traffic levels in Bath were causing issues for the service. They told us that they have added in additional resource where they can and had staff at some of the key bus stops to help ensure there is a consistent flow of buses coming up to campus.

We will be attending the Travel Advisory Group meeting later this week with the University and the feedback you have provided will be discussed to identify both short and long term actions relating to your travel to and from campus.