Starlight Scavenger Hunt 

Signups are out!! Please find all the information below about the Starlight Scavenger Hunt on the 23-24th of March. Please fill out the team sheet and the google form.

Here is the link to team sheet signup to the Starlight Scavenger Hunt - 

Please also fill out this google form individually, so we know dietary requirements and if you need any kit from the club - 

Hopefully, it's self-explanatory but if you have any issues, please email Please signup once you have decided your full team. The deadline for signups will be the 19th of March.


The Event

What is it?

The Starlight Scavenger Hunt is a walking or running event, where teams of 2 - 6 people navigate between several checkpoints. Each team will be given a map with checkpoint locations and a list of questions that can only be answered by going to the checkpoints. You will have 30 minutes to plan your route and then 6 hours to visit as many checkpoints as possible. Each checkpoint is worth a different amount of points.

Once all the teams are back we will provide breakfast, tea and coffee before awarding prizes. There will be prizes for best walking team, best running team, and best costumes.

Your team is strongly encouraged to wear fancy dress. There are plenty of examples of previous year's outfits on our Instagram and Facebook. As mentioned, there will be a prize for the best dressed!

When and Where

It is running overnight between Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th March. Teams can arrive and start at any point between 8 pm and 11 pm on Saturday night. No matter what time you start, you must return to the start point within 6 hours!

The start (and end) point is the Bradford on Avon Guides HQ: 18 Rosemary Walk, Church Street, Bradford-on-Avon, BA15 1LN. You will need to make your own way to and from this location. Trains run fairly regularly from Bath Spa and Oldfield Park. Depending on what time you finish the challenge, there may be time to have a short sleep in the hut before breakfast!


You will need (as a minimum) sturdy walking boots or trail shoes, a torch (preferably a headtorch), warm clothes and waterproofs. The club has very limited numbers of head torches, compasses and waterproofs that you can borrow if necessary. It would be best if you have your own of these, or could borrow them from someone else. It might also be a good idea to bring a change of clothes, a roll mat, and a sleeping bag or blanket in a bag that you can leave in the hut while you are taking part in the event.

Cost and Signup

It is open to members and non-members, as long as they are affiliated with the University (can sign into the SU website). This means you can drag your non-BUMC friends along to form your team! The cost for members is £7 and the non-member price is £9.


27 photos
Updated Thu 31 Jul 2014
2014/15 BUMC
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Updated Fri 04 Sep 2015
2015 Snowdonia
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Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016
Photo Competition Winners 2012
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Updated Mon 13 Aug 2012
2018 ISB
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Updated Thu 08 Feb 2018
2015 Lake District
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Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016
2012/13 Trips
11 photos
Updated Sun 03 Feb 2013
2016 Yorkshire Dales
45 photos
Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016
2018 Cornwall
12 photos
Updated Mon 11 Jun 2018
2016/2017 Photos
39 photos
Updated Sun 11 Feb 2018
2016 Isle of Portland
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Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016
2017 BUMC Photo Comp
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Updated Wed 16 Aug 2017
A year in the life of the BUMC
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Updated Sun 22 Feb 2009
2016 Gower Peninsula
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Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016