Committee 2020 - 2021
Jonathan Mitchinson
Hi, I’m Jon, fifth year club veteran, resident northerner and your chair for the year. Raised in the Lake District, I’ve been hill walking all my life and climbing for the last 6 years. Nowadays, most of my time is spent bouldering with the occasional weekend wild camps/walks. This year, I’ll be responsible for keeping things running smoothly and liaising with the SU. If you’ve got any questions about the club or you’re looking for someone to go to TCA with then get in touch (

Matt Rochester
Hey I'm Matt and I’m this year’s treasurer for BUMC. I keep track of the club’s budget to make sure we have enough funding to keep providing trips, gear and events for all our members. I’m a 2nd year civil engineer and in first year I was mainly involved in the orienteering part of the club, as well as some walking including the ISB trip to Lochaber.
I’m very keen to get into climbing this year so keep an eye out for me and please come say hello, I'm fairly sure you'll be finding me on the beginner routes! I’d love to see lots of new faces getting involved in the club this year so any questions please don’t hesitate to email me I'd love to hear from you (

Kate Evans
Hi, I’m Kate and I’m this year’s secretary! I am a 3rd year Pharmacy student and I joined BUMC in freshers week as I had always enjoyed walking, climbing and the outdoors, but hadn’t really had the opportunity yet to really get into it! The club has given me so many chances to hike and climb, although I’m not the best climber (slowly working on that one…..!). I can’t wait to be more involved with the club this year and meet some of the new members! I can most commonly be found in the gym (not the best idea before going climbing I have found!) or snacking on trail mix on a walk with the club. Please feel free to come and have a chat or get in touch if you have any questions or just want a friendly face within the club!

Climbing Secretaries
Alex Everest
I’m one of your climbing secretaries this year, Alex. I am a second year IMEE student and I have been climbing around 5 years but have only started regular climbing over the last 2 years. I try and get outdoors as much as possible to hang around on a sport climb that is too hard, only to clip stick my way to the top. I am mostly a sport climber, but I really enjoy outdoor bouldering and I am hoping to expand upon my limited time Trad climbing this year. If you have any questions about climbing within the club, or just climbing in general, send me an email at and I’d love to help.

Jonathan White
I'm Jonathan, a second-year civil engineering student and I'm one of your climbing secretaries for this year. I've been into climbing for about 6 years and I've met lots of like-minded people through it. I'm really looking forward to sharing my love for climbing with as many of you as I can.
You're sure to see me faffing round on a trad route trying to use my favourite piece of gear, a pink tricam that I will always take with me but only ever actually used once!
Do get in touch if you have any questions to do with all things climbing ( and I'll do my best to help. I can't wait to meet you and welcome to our club!

Walking Secretaries
Will Jones
Hey, I’m Will, a second-year Maths Sci student and one of the two walking secs this year. I joined the club in freshers week last year and got as involved in as many trips and things going on as I could (some might say I was keen) so now I’m here to hopefully help everyone else get out and enjoy the hills, be it around Bath or Scottish Winter.
I might be a walking sec but I also enjoy a good bit of sport climbing and bouldering so expect to see me around TCA or Flashpoint falling off and giving some rubbish excuse as to why.. You’ll also be able to find me at the weekly pub meets or Sunday walks – I'm into pretty much everything mountaineering and always up for a chat so feel free to say hi and ask any questions! (

Rob Cook
I'm Rob, a final year MechEng and one of your Walking Secs for 2020/21. This is my third time in the role, so hopefully I've got it all figured out and won't get lost this time. I've been walking for as long as I can remember, and like to think I'm pretty good at it by now. I can often be found walking around Bath, or in the Highlands when time allows. I also like to spend time running, cycling, orienteering, and complaining that it isn't winter conditions yet. If you want to consult me (or my extensive guidebook collection) about walking, don't be afraid to ask at

Orienteering Secretary
Bethany Kippin
Hi I’m Beth, I’m a second year Architecture student and this year’s orienteering secretary. I’ve been orienteering my whole life, and was first released onto a mountainside on my own at the age of 7... so have plenty of years of experience of getting lost (and unlost)! If you’re looking for a sport which makes running that bit more exciting, or just fancy improving your map-reading skills, you’ve come to the right place! I loved being part of BUMC last year and am looking forward to getting involved even more this year. There’s a good chance you’ll find me giving climbing and walking a go when I’m not out in the forest! Any questions feel free to email or message me on FB.

Gear Secretary
Conor Smith
Hi my name’s Conor and I’m your gear sec for this year. I’m a 5th (and final) year Mech Eng student, and this is my 3rd (and final) year on committee having been social sec and chair beforehand. So if you have any questions about pubs, form filling or carabiners I’m your guy.

Social Secretary
Kate Callaghan
Hey I’m Kate, your social sec for this year!! I’m currently struggling into second year economics. Hoping to make this year as fun as possible considering the current circumstances. I can be found down at the pub or at a climbing wall, happy to have a convo about anything. Feel free to hit me up on Facebook or if you have any fun government guideline approved activities you want help organising within the club. I promise the club is actually super chill and welcoming, so please come along to events and get involved.

Web Secretary
Sebastian Morales Feliu
Hey! I'm Seb, your Web Secretary for this year. I'm responsible for keeping the club's online presence in check and making sure everything online about the club is sorted. You will most likely find me falling off of various climbs at Flashpoint or with my earphones in on campus. Feel free to email me or message me with any questions regarding our social media or even just for a chat!

Voting Member
Harley Beattie
Hi my name’s Harley and I’m a voting member on this year’s committee. I’m here to help out with a mix of things such as general enquires, organising some different events that don’t feature on our typical calendar, and sorting all the transport needs of the club.
If you have any ideas for a fun, Covid appropriate event, let me know and i’ll see what we can do!

Postgrad Secretary
Hugh Sanderson
Hi I’m Hugh, this year’s Postgraduate Secretary, which makes me responsible for ensuring the old folk don’t cause too much trouble.
I am just starting my PhD, but I have been a member of the club throughout my undergrad degree, despite having never walked for fun or climbed before joining. Though the extent to which I do either now is dubious.
If you want more information, have any questions or suggestions for things that the club can do for postgrads, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Otherwise I am frequently found at the weekly pub or at TCA of a weekday evening and always happy for a chat.
Have fun everybody.

Welfare and Inclusivity Officer
Laura Bosomworth
Hello, my name is Laura. I'm a final year Biomedical Science student and the Welfare and Inclusivity Officer for this year. I will be working to maintain the welcoming and friendly atmosphere of the club. I think we are a friendly bunch but if you have any suggestions on how we could become more inclusive, please get it touch! You will probably find me out walking or attempting to climb and orienteer, or feel free to message me on FB or drop me an email (

BUCS Coordinator
Kai Pheasant
Hi! I am Kai, a second-year Civil Engineer, and this year’s BUCS Coordinator. Since first discovering climbing six years ago, I have been addicted. You are guaranteed to find me at either an indoor wall, the crag or failing that the pub!