BUMC Committee 23/24

29th February 2024





Amy Goncalves (AG) – Chair

Tom Morgan (TM) – Gear Secretary

Emma Wilkes (EW) – Media Secretary - Taking Minutes

Jack Ingram (JI) – Social Secretary

Hana Williams (HW) – Walking Secretary

Heather Dalgleish (HD) – Walking Secretary

Beth Burnett (BB)– Climbing Secretary

Anissa Mayouf (AM) – Climbing Secretary




Helene Rittscher (HS) – Secretary

Joseph Shouksmith (JS)- Treasurer

Will Garnett (WG) – Orienteering Secretary

Hana Williams (HW) – Walking Secretary






Brief description of original issue + update

Further action required from


Learn to

Belay on the weekends needs 1 more place

Next weekend needs more people to fill the slots

Cant run the slots unless the session is full

Posted on the pg chat and will mention to the surf club at social tonight

Ensure that the people who have signed up pay as they have committed to pay – so that tca definitely get their money

Learn to lead is full


19th March campus session

27th April S. Wales session

Potential to ask other competent trad leaders

May need to move/ do s. wales session at the same time as Dartmoor as deadlines looming may mean leaders and learners might not have the time

Session with harri for more experienced leaders to be a paid session

Session with competent leaders eg Amy to be a free session for people with minimal trad experience


AM to talk to surf and postgrads


BB to look into MPV hire for Saturday session


AG to ask around for leaders and confirm Harri’s availability



BB put out poll to see who might be interested

Expecting 8-10 people to go

The Southampton club are intending to go to Portland on Sunday if people have stayed the night – Southampton club have rented a scout hut which is first come first serve

BB to ask those in the group chat if they would like to stay the night


MPV drivers

Some interest for font which would allow us to have a 3rd mpv

The more people on the waitlist for learning, the more tests that will be run

Ideally get people signed up and learning asap

Driver with a personal van (with 7 seats) is in unknown condition and therefore should not be used as a club vehicle but is welcome to meet us there separately

Some potential drivers have mentioned that they would only want to drive on the trip if their friends are on the trip, otherwise they may not be interested. While this may allow for more spaces on the trip and overall lower cost, the moral ground is questionable and spaces should not be guaranteed to anyone other than drivers, organizers or necessary first aiders

BB to look into learning sessions


AM to talk to people who are interested in doing MIDAS and getting them on the waitlist asap


BB to follow up with potential drivers to confirm if they will drive or not


BUCS climbing

Great to have club tshirts

Talk to abbie/bucs about photos – none of any during qualifiers as we didn’t even have enough time to climb let alone take photos

Talk to abbie about costs for bucs - other unis don’t pay for accommodation/ transport/ receive a grant for it

BB to talk to other clubs




BUCS orienteering

Cecilie is now on the team

Admin seems to be going smoothly

WG to update at a later date



Walk on the 10th march would be ideal to have a biweekly schedule --ish

HD to organise



Signups are soon 8th and 10th march

FAQ (pre signup) meeting on the 5th to be arranged alongside route cleaning session on the 12th

Accommodation all sorted


BB to make a drivers and general group chat


EW to put a post up


BB to ask people to help with route cleaning session





Action required from


Night hike

Breakfast will need sorting – food safety docs

 Accomodation (guide hut) all sorted

Sign ups will need to be put up – exp 40 spaces

Communicate that the event is open to non members

Potential for minimum groups of 3? Try to ensure that people are aware of what they are signing up to, phones are charged and gps

HG to sort


EW to post


Committee to brainstorm new names to avoid confusion w freshers week night hike



Joe and will to organise

JS and WG to continue to organise



People are able to travel and stay separately if they wish to join and are not able to sign up

Potential to buy a guidebook for font

Potential to rent pads from local shops

BB and AM to continue to organise

TM to look into buying new guidebook

TM to help BB and AG renting pads


Summer trip

Pembroke provisionally

Communicate that this might be the case pre – trad

 AG to continue organising



Debrief to talk about potential actions




Email has been sent out                                                                         

No one has formally proposed interest as of yet

committee to talk to people interested/ generate interest


Surf social

  • Tonight
  • Seems all good so far





  • Has arrived late but have finally arrived
  • ME changed colour scheme which caused delays
  • Womens fleeces are printed where mens are embroidered, unsure why this has been the case


TM to query


First aid

  • Josh not present




Bath active

  • Walk on Wednesday lead by Hana only due to minimal signups




Laser tag

  • 24 sales currently, 32 needed to break even
  • SU will not pay invoice until income has come in


EW to put out posts to help fill signups



Womens climbing /IWD

  • Frome is free entry on Friday

EW to post on Instagram









2016 Yorkshire Dales
45 photos
Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016
Photo Competition Winners 2012
9 photos
Updated Mon 13 Aug 2012
2012/13 Trips
11 photos
Updated Sun 03 Feb 2013
2016/2017 Photos
39 photos
Updated Sun 11 Feb 2018
2016 Gower Peninsula
25 photos
Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016
2016 Isle of Portland
19 photos
Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016
2017 BUMC Photo Comp
13 photos
Updated Wed 16 Aug 2017
A year in the life of the BUMC
31 photos
Updated Sun 22 Feb 2009
2018 ISB
20 photos
Updated Thu 08 Feb 2018
2015 Lake District
17 photos
Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016
2014/15 BUMC
9 photos
Updated Fri 04 Sep 2015
2015 Snowdonia
11 photos
Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016
27 photos
Updated Thu 31 Jul 2014
2018 Cornwall
12 photos
Updated Mon 11 Jun 2018