AGM Debrief

  • Financial report
    • People asked about questions about gear budget.
    • TM pointed out he though there is a mistake in the financial report, JS confirms this. Minutes need changing.
    • Look at how much money we have left overall, and make sure we are on track with our trips, after easter.
    • TM states we made a slight benefit on stash £20.
    • JI states about £25 on laser tag, so may have some left at the end. Laser tag money will go into a social budget.
      • Social budget – maybe subsidise summer social.
      • JI confirms SU confirms laser tag should have received payment, will go in tomorrow to check. JS
  • Survery responses
    • AG states not many people had feedback on that, mainly only those who are involved in the club will fill it in, therefore responses will mirror that.
    • TM suggested adding more questions in later years
  • Insurance
    • JS states we may need to ask the SU for more money, TM states more people have recently joined the club and insurance needs sorting.
  • Discounts
    • TM
    • AG spoke about ascent in the future, and the chance to have ascent as an STV add on. May add a student discount and/ or further BUMC discount.
    • TM states we could reach out to companies, however are unsure of how big the uptake will be.
    • AG suggested we make a google form to have all year round suggesting discounts.
    • TM states that we are already quite open HW says we can make it even more obvious.
  • Transport           
    • People understand it is how it is for reimbursing drivers to say in line with car insurance.
    • TM reckons as due to people not having licence not lack reimbursement.
    • JI suggest we could incentivise drivers in other ways
    • AG states how its walking and orienteering who struggles for driving. Orienteering tends to run on an unofficial basis. Same with learn to trad more of an organised day trip among friends
  • First aid
    • Was explained to club. Not all members who have first aid were known to us, despite a poll being put up at start of the year.
    • The way Portland trip ran worked well, however we need to know there are enough first aiders to run the trip in the first place.
    • TM suggests it may be worth asking in the google form at the start of the year, AG suggests could also ask driving questions.
    • Vote due to necessity of having first aiders, change in risk assessment may be needed.
    • JI suggested changing from must to should.
    • Agreed may be appropriate to start using should instead of must in risk assessment.
    • JI suggests to run an informal session running through the common sense, TM brought up people may take that as believing they’re more competent than they are.
    • BB suggests running a general safety thing fairly early in the year, running through common sense stuff. Not branded as first aid, just general safety thing. AG and TM come up with a stuff for the mountains thing?  A.g. leave no trace.
  • Welfare and inclusivity               
    • Good feedback from people who are more involved in the club, but will that reflect everyone in the club?
  • Communication
    • Mainly around whattsapp,
    • TM asks what we will do about whattsapp at the end of the year. JI says its going well so far, will leave it to next years committee and maybe should make new whattsapp every year. Also need to keep alumni connected. AG suggests delete old chats, make alumni chat, and reopen old chats. TM suggests it will make getting PGs to join on trips like xmas trip easier.
  • Trip
    • AG does a reminder about trip planning framework. TM suggests we could distribute it to the SU.
    • TM and AG suggest adding experience level to initial google form.
    • AG says about sending out info about trip far in advance s people are more aware of how the trip will run, also says about the many options for activities there are on summer trip.
    • AG also wants to run learn to trad in a meet style also.
  • Engagement
    • JI suggests we should have a discussion with next year’s committee about improvements, but that we did well this year in improving the club.
    • BB says how Portland was very cheap which meant more people came. TM says how it increased inclusivity which is good.
    • JS suggests we should look at more scout hut type things for trips. The only issues could be showers, AG suggests we could not keep booking the same trips.
    • AG suggests could be worth doing it for Xmas trip next year.
    • AM suggests ice breakers in socials, JI says he will put it in a handover for next year. AG says she has heard a lot of good feedback, but maybe the suggestion to bring a pack of cards etc, not cringy ice breakers.
  • Learning opportunities and transfer of skills / club growth
    • Is currently in motion.
    • Was suggested we could do trad sessions at the start of the year, as an opportunity to know people who could teach the skills.
    • JI says how we are all doing a lot already and says we should go back to the su and beg for more committee members. BB suggests we say how two people are doing the job of what a whole committee does in other unis. We all agree that we need more since we are 3 clubs in one.
    • HW says we should highlight how there are more people who want to be on committee this year.
  • Running
    • TM says the first one it rained the second one it snowed. Suggests we shouldn’t do it on a Saturday, maybe a Tuesday instead.
  • Constitutional changes
    • HR will need to make these changes on paperwork.
  • Rolling agenda
    • Will be covered in the next meeting.


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