BUMC Committee 22/23

27th February 2023

Meeting 10



Claire Spouse (CS) – Chair

Hugh Sanderson (HS) – Secretary

Alex Everest (AE) – Gear Secretary

Adam Parsons (AP) – Walking Secretary

Robin Regan (RR) – Orienteering Secretary

Nathan Strange (NS) Climbing Secretary

Thomas Hodges (TH)– Climbing Secretary

Grace Darcy (GD)- Treasurer

Ollie Howell (OH) – Walking Secretary

Reuben Strickett (RS) – Orienteering Secretary

Amy Goncalves (AG) – Media Secretary

Alesia Vallance (AV) – Social Secretary





  1. Past items


Original item date

Brief description of original issue + update

Further action required from



Font 2023


6 drivers confirmed for the trip., 3 of which need to be trained on MPVs.
SU confirmed can run with a minimum of 5 drivers for two MPVs so effectively have a spare driver.

Ferries still to be booked, and awaiting final invoice from Gite owners

TH to send GD relevant information to book ferries and pass on any invoice information to GD upon receipt



Drivers & Transport


3 drivers to be trained next week, with hope one of the new drivers can drive on Portland trip.

AP to chase SU Transport office in time for MPV arrival



Promotion of Club

Refreshers week went well.  Turnout for walking taster was ~30 people but large subsequent drop off (~10 people at latest Sunday walk). Acknowledged this could be due to lack of advertising of events and also students very busy with course commitments.

Climbing taster also had good turnout as did orienteering. Again, drop off in numbers for orienteering. Someone at taster also stole a headtorch.
Going forward: good to keep track of people’s names who turn up to sessions requiring gear so club can follow up with them if gear not returned

AG to ensure all events have minimum of IG story as advertisement in the run up to event (on top of regular Insta What’s On Post)



Evening Orienteering Sessions


See above




Learn To Belay/Wed Climbing/BUCS Trials

BUCS is over and went well. SU yet to pay for the accommodation.

Learn to belay/lead at The Arc, final confirmation of dates and cost needed.

NS to contact TCA to get confirmation of dates and cost of learn to lead/belay sessions




Health Declaration Forms

Forms yet to be updated with additional info box

HS to update Health Declaration form to give extra box



AGM Date & Annual Feedback Survey


AGM has been held, see item 43.

Item Closed




Portland Trip

Hut paid for and confirmed have MPV for trip.

Scope to add extra driver to trip to make it comfier, total numbers still the same.

Trip cost is £35, final sign up this evening.

Suggestions of alternative accommodation going forward:

  • Campsite next to bunkhouse
  • Village hall
  • Accommodation in Swanage as nearby

NS to continue organising



Exmoor Trip

Overall went well minus the wet weather
Feedback was much more gentle than other walking trips (e.g., elongated Sunday walk vibes)
Best not to repeat for ~4 years (e.g. a club cycle) and replace with other similar vibed locations such as Black Mountains, Mendips or Jurassic Coast

Item Closed


  1. New items



Action required from



AGM Debrief

Cork is not ideal location as very noisy. Westgate upstairs of, could be better alternative – await feedback from Hustings. Alternatively, could book room out on campus and Royal Oak may be open again by the time the next one rolls around.

Main topics to follow up on:

Reimbursement of drivers/incentives to drive:

  • Reason we can’t reimburse is due to personal insurance – for volunteering only.
  • Governments reimbursement rate is greater than 25p/mile offered by the SU, push for SU to increase the rate though will only drive up cost of trips then.
  • Could ask SU Transport office for clarity on SU’s position for reimbursing drivers or incentives to drive and sound out other clubs approaches to this (e.g. Surf, Canoeing good candidates to ask) to help inform our own stance.
  • SU Handbook says drivers can’t be paid for driving but is offering a discounted trip the same?
  • Arguably once short-term hire of MPVs is sorted then less struggle to find drivers as need fewer and not relying on them using their own car.
  • However, MPVs may be more expensive than using personal cars and trips are already more expensive than we would want. But the ease of booking an MPV will offset the stress of finding drivers and allow for trips to be costed/advertised greater in advance giving more people the time to decide if they want to and can afford a trip even if slightly more

How else can club keep costs of trips down:

  • Alternative accommodation is main one – look at village halls as alternative to huts. Though even cost of these is increasing e.g., night hike last year was £35 this year it’s ~£70 but still significantly cheaper than a hut.
  • Club would need to have better roll matts/sleeping bags (and more of) if to do so

Question as to how good a turnout for AGM we had, ~30 people which is about average for a Thursday social, maybe even above average but out of a club of 200 not a huge % turnout for an AGM. AG wants better promotional material for AGM.

Orienteering insurance – club affiliation is £20 and need 4 people on committee who are part of British Orienteering and have designated leadership roles as deemed by BO.
Personal membership is £20 for normal and £10 for junior. This year all members ended up in £10 bracket and costs were paid out of pocket by individuals. However, going forward, with affiliation the duty of secretary, is it possible to have the club pay for the affiliation as unacceptable to ask individuals to keep covering the costs.

AP to enquire to SU Transport informally.


CS to look at alternative accommodation for Fresher’s trip and Xmas trip


23/24 Committee

SU refused to allow the club to amend roles for upcoming elections despite being in violation of the clubs’ constitution and this being explained to them at great lengths by HS.

Response was deadline had been set that the club missed, in the past this would not be the be all and end all but change of SU staff means previous discretion afforded to the club is dead.

Hopefully there will only be one candidate for orienteering secretary then can run by-election with the remaining role to be voting member. If end up with two orienteering secretaries, unsure what will happen but may have to just proceed as that for the next year and ensure any changes or planned changes to committee are communicated to SU far in advance as to hopefully avoid a repeat scenario.

Hustings to take place this Thursday.



Day trip by public transport

Want to be able to show members that can do more “adventurous” walks from Bath without the need for a car. Trialled with Westbury White Horse walk but idea is something bigger than a “Sunday Walk” e.g., more akin to a Sat day trip. E.g., Malvern suggested as potential location as fairly frequent trains.

Question as how best to go organising?
Run as sign up to gauge/limit numbers and submit any necessary paperwork to SU but beyond that communicate to those going what train tickets etc to buy.

OH to organise


SU Officer elections

AG had messages to club account from nominees and asked for clarity on what to do. Committee agreed to be neutral on this as a club.

Item closed



Ascent UK

Has anybody responded to the email from them? Not yet

HS to email and set up a meeting


2015 Lake District
17 photos
Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016
2016 Gower Peninsula
25 photos
Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016
2012/13 Trips
11 photos
Updated Sun 03 Feb 2013
27 photos
Updated Thu 31 Jul 2014
2016/2017 Photos
39 photos
Updated Sun 11 Feb 2018
2016 Yorkshire Dales
45 photos
Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016
2018 ISB
20 photos
Updated Thu 08 Feb 2018
2018 Cornwall
12 photos
Updated Mon 11 Jun 2018
2017 BUMC Photo Comp
13 photos
Updated Wed 16 Aug 2017
2016 Isle of Portland
19 photos
Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016
Photo Competition Winners 2012
9 photos
Updated Mon 13 Aug 2012
A year in the life of the BUMC
31 photos
Updated Sun 22 Feb 2009
2014/15 BUMC
9 photos
Updated Fri 04 Sep 2015
2015 Snowdonia
11 photos
Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016