Committee for 2023/24
First year committee has been run as 12-strong after new SU rules came into being limiting committee size. Used to be 15-strong but after lengthy debate Voting Member, W&I Officer and Postgrad Secretary were all removed as committee roles.
Discussion as to whether, with this new structure, the workload of committee is distributed fairly, particularly with regards to Orienteering role requiring two secretaries. Argument is they run one trip and organise BUCS orienteering as a minimum, so does that need two people? Therefore, three options proposed.
- Option 1 – maintain committee structure as is
- Option 2 – strip orienteering down to one role and introduce a new role – either reinstatement of W&I officer or a Voting member
Question as to the possibility of voluntary roles? Whilst are allowed they do not have access to club emails or trip planning forms/event planners and ss such committee end up middle-manning correspondence or filling forms out anyway. This was trialled last year with BUCS organiser a non-committee member.
What would the duties of new roles be?
- W&I – attend W&I training, promote these issues to wider club audience, work with wider SU community on these issues, reporting of issues to relevant SU bodies and signposting and providing support to members who need it.
- Voting member – more vague in that they are a helping hand and to provide experience to committee. Exact duties on the committee to be agreed upon with the chair prior to first committee meeting.
Can we increase size of committee? No although pressuring the SU on this stance has not been attempted. Understood that canoeing also had concerns about reduction in committee size. Note: at previous AGM a vote was made to actively pursue reinstatement of full committee.
Question as to how much work W&I is to be its own role?
Purpose of separate role is to be a champion and if mixed in with other responsibilities then this may slide. Argued that W&I should be threaded throughout committee and that maybe committee doesn’t take this into account as much as they should.
Whilst club endeavours to make its events as inclusive as possible there is a feeling more could/can be done. Should the club not promote wider inclusivity schemes, e.g., colourup Bristol, more widely (i.e. on its’ public social channels and not just internally to its members)
If orienteering is to be stripped to one role should that vacant role not be better suited to reflecting the needs of the club demographic, with climbers supposedly making up the largest proportion of its members?
Pointed out that the same amount of time and effort is required regardless of number of attendants to an event. Also, with less than 10% of club members responding to feedback form is not a true reflection of the actual makeup of the club.
Vote as to keep orienteering as two roles:
0 votes for yes, 23 votes for no, 6 abstained
Vote on the identity of the now vacant role:
Voting member reinstated – 21 votes
W&I Officer reinstated – 7
Abstained – 3
Proposed Amendment to Appendix II: Meetings
On the back of this vote and the discussion regarding W&I in the club, it was proposed whether an amendment could be made to the constitution which would compel committee to prioritise W&I within decision making and promotion of wider W&I schemes to the club and public. Proposed addition would be to point 2f (role of club committee meetings) and addition of subpoint viii) To discuss welfare and inclusivity within the club.
Vote on proposed amendment
30 votes for yes, 0 for no, 1 abstained
Note: changes to committee structure in constitution took place after the SU’s deadline for confirming committee positions for next year and SU refused to accommodate these changes despite explanation to our constitutional need to go through AGM process. Therefore, the advertised committee roles at hustings and thus the committee roles for 23/24 will be different to those as outlined in the latest draft of the constitution.