BUMC Committee 22/23

15th December 2022

Meeting 7



Claire Spouse (CS) – Chair

Hugh Sanderson (HS) – Secretary

Alex Everest (AE) – Gear Secretary

Alesia Vallance (AV) – Social Secretary

Adam Parsons (AP) – Walking Secretary

Ollie Howell (OH) – Walking Secretary

Robin Regan (RR) – Orienteering Secretary

Reuben Strickett (RS) – Orienteering Secretary

Amy Goncalves (AG) – Media Secretary

Nathan Strange (NS) Climbing Secretary


Thomas Hodges (TH)– Climbing Secretary

Grace Darcy (GD)- Treasurer



  1. Past items


Original item date

Brief description of original issue + update

Further action required from



ISB 2023

Filed request for MPV using transport booking system (reinstated following appointment of new permanent SU staff for transport)

Product is online for participants to pay.

SU gave go ahead for accommodation payment

RR to inform trip attendees product is live


RR to gather requisite evidence to allow payment of accomodation



Font 2023


Decided on 2 MPVs – so 18 people total. Rough cost for this (accommodation and transport) is £163 per person.

Therefore need 6 drivers.

TH to continue organising



Drivers & Transport


Still can’t hire MPVs for less than a week. £32 a day plus set fee.

One ISB participant is fairly experienced driver and keen to do MPV test. Also interested in Font and drivers for this trip are harder to find. Worth doing another MPV test before ISB, but would need to find other people to do test or ask if other clubs have people they want testing.

RR to look for other drivers to do MPV test



Promotion of Club


No update, acknowledgement that promotion of events has been less prominent/timely recently.




Evening Orienteering Sessions

Finished for the semester. Gone well overall. 5 regular attendees with an average turnout of 8 for each session





S1 Navigation Skills


Went well and Mendips trip was a success. 5 people who attended the sessions went on trip. Word is skills were gained.

Item closed




Christmas Meal and Deposit


Went well.

Should have printed off people’s food choices to make it easier for serving food.

Graze worked well as location. Drinks could be costly depending on the type of drink (e.g. beer fairly priced but spirits expensive)

Item closed




Learn To Belay/Wed Climbing/BUCS Trials


Finished for the semester.

Unsure where to run learn to lead/belay sessions next semester as TCA offered these sessions for free (i.e. entry fee only). Redpoint still offering to allow us to teach ourselves for free but harder to get to and finding teachers may be problematic.

TH/NS/CS to provide update on Frome contact at next meeting.

NS to decide on location for next semesters learn to lead/belay sessions



Health Declaration Forms

Forms yet to be updated with additional info box

HS to update Health Declaration form to give extra box



Brecon Walking Day Trip


All went well and trip report is live.

For future maybe advertise as a hike not a walk as to avoid potential confusions as to the expectations of the walk. Worth nothing that description of the walk explained about the terrain etc so if people not reading the descriptions then that is on them.

Item closed






Both committee and wider membership dislike the app. Appreciate and like the idea but in current form is far too buggy to be good/user friendly etc.

Worth noting that despite calls for a club wide group chat, the group chat function on lounge has seen little to no activity thus raising the question as for the need of a club wide group chat.

Suggested to keep an eye out for improvements or alternatives for future years.

As of Jan all club activity to return to FB.

CS to advertise return to FB

Relevant committee members to move posts/events etc back to FB group



Xmas Trip


CS is unwell thus unlikely to go on trip. A replacement driver has been found, so no issues on this.

AP to take over as official trip organiser.

HS mentioned that the hut is very cold, especially in the bedrooms and people should be advised accordingly.

AP/RR to chase people to pay for product

  1. New items



Action required from



AGM Date & Annual Feedback Survey

Feedback survey serves as to inform areas of discussion re: AGM and provides an opportunity for committee to learn what has and has not gone well this semester.

AGM is a constitutional requirement, held once a year in S2. Typically in mid Fed (circa 2 weeks prior to hustings)

16th Feb suggested as potential date (in line with previous years)

CS to send out feedback form over Xmas


AV to book location for AGM (Royal Oak or Cork)


Climate Literacy Feedback

Club’s largest carbon footprint is transport related to the surprise of no one. Lowest carbon option for this is public transport, especially trains. Historically unpopular due to reliability, cost and access from stations to walks.

Are some university funds available to subsidise cost of these transports and is Zero Carbon Campus fund for uni based activities

University/SU has a car (4 seater) with a trailer/box so can take equipment plus a full car load of people instead of having a dedicated gear car to reduce no. vehicles.



Portland Trip Dates

11th-12th March suggested as date.

Since departure of Matt, SU have got very particular with paperwork for trips etc. So beware of 6 week notice for event planners.

NS to organise


Role as student leaders in dealing with W&I related issues

Reminder from HS to rest of committee as to their responsibilities as student leaders to call out unacceptable behaviour (both verbal and/or physical) that may occur during club events (e.g. trips, socials) and signpost those at the receiving end to relevant help (SU advisors, student services, support and report tool etc).

Highlighted and shared dignity and respect policy that all staff and student agree to abide by when joining the university.



2015 Snowdonia
11 photos
Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016
2018 ISB
20 photos
Updated Thu 08 Feb 2018
2015 Lake District
17 photos
Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016
2014/15 BUMC
9 photos
Updated Fri 04 Sep 2015
27 photos
Updated Thu 31 Jul 2014
2016 Yorkshire Dales
45 photos
Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016
2016 Gower Peninsula
25 photos
Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016
Photo Competition Winners 2012
9 photos
Updated Mon 13 Aug 2012
2018 Cornwall
12 photos
Updated Mon 11 Jun 2018
2012/13 Trips
11 photos
Updated Sun 03 Feb 2013
2016/2017 Photos
39 photos
Updated Sun 11 Feb 2018
A year in the life of the BUMC
31 photos
Updated Sun 22 Feb 2009
2017 BUMC Photo Comp
13 photos
Updated Wed 16 Aug 2017
2016 Isle of Portland
19 photos
Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016