BUMC Committee 22/23

3rd November 2022

Meeting 5



Claire Spouse (CS) – Chair

Hugh Sanderson (HS) – Secretary

Grace Darcy (GD)- Treasurer

Alex Everest (AE) – Gear Secretary

Adam Parsons (AP) – Walking Secretary

Ollie Howell (OH) – Walking Secretary

Robin Regan (RR) – Orienteering Secretary

Reuben Strickett (RS) – Orienteering Secretary

Nathan Strange (NS) Climbing Secretary

Thomas Hodges (TH)– Climbing Secretary

Alesia Vallance (AV) – Social Secretary

Amy Goncalves (AG) – Media Secretary




  1. Past items


Original item date

Brief description of original issue + update

Further action required from



ISB 2023


Transport guidance has been cleared with the SU. 3 drivers for both MPVs and personal cars – 6 total, half of available spaces.

Interest meeting scheduled for 14th November, CB 5.1.

RR to advertise and run ISB interest meeting



Font 2023


Need 9 drivers for the trip to run at full capacity. Currently have 10 trained MPV drivers but doubts over if all of them would want to go on the trip.

If Ffion is accepted as associate member this increases the number of drivers by one. Could look at taking some personal cars instead of three MPVs but cost of insurance for this could be high.

Alternative is to look at reducing the size of the trip this year – i.e. two MPVs instead of three.

TH to look at accommodation and possibility of reducing size of trip



Drivers & Transport


3 people passed MPV test today, 3 more scheduled to do it tomorrow

11 MPV drivers up until xmas then down to 10.

SU also want to have MPVs for less than a week but the issue is with insurance. SU hitting a roadblock with this at the moment.

Drivers encouraged to join BUMC Cars group. Fuel reimbursement form to be put on the group as well




Promotion of Club


AG absent so no update.

Merch ideas – stickers a possibility but could be expensive. Still waiting on more ideas for t-shirts

AG to give update at next meeting



Evening Orienteering Sessions


BUCS – been offered to put orienteering under BUCS athletics fee not BUMC fee. Therefore, means those under athletics would be allowed to be do BUCS orienteering. In theory lots of crossover between these two groups.

However, if anyone from BUCS climbing team also wanted to orienteer would mean they would have to pay the BUCS fee twice.

TH and RR to ascertain if anyone on BUCS climbing wants to do BUCS orienteering.



Peaks Trip


Overall trip was supposedly a success, despite the bad weather.

Suggestion of considering moving the trip to later in the year (i.e. S2). Twofold purpose – may allow better odds of good weather and also longer time for members to develop and practice skills that they can then put into practice.

Finding space for this trip is tricky – suggestion of swapping with Portland.

Also suggested replacing Font with elongated domestic climbing trip to e.g. Swanage/Portland, as easier and cheaper to run.

However, pointed out that replacing the one international trip the club runs with a domestic trip, as less faff, is exceedingly underwhelming and may detract people from joining or even when looking/applying for unis. 

Raised that the trip does not have to be to Font, could be to another destination e.g. Spain. Also able to contact other clubs to get insight into how they run these trips (e.g. Cardiff and/or Bristol)

Item closed

TH and NS to contact other mountaineering clubs to find out how they run their international trips



BritRock or Similar Event


Product is set, should be online midday tomorrow.





S1 Navigation Skills


Confirmed will be 3 sessions. However, will clash with learn to lead. Could run on Sundays prior to Sunday walks – book a room in town. 

AP and OH to look at moving sessions to Sundays before Sunday walk



Christmas Meal and Deposit


Product is online. Sign up to be run over the weekend with email sent out today. Following week to purchase the product. Deposit has also finally been paid.


AV to send out info email



Budget and Insurance


3 People bought the insurance product twice. SU have refunded them twice, therefore they need to buy the product again.

43 people did not buy the insurance product – list of names has been passed onto SU.

First load of names for BMC MSO has been done. Next batch will be done mid-December.

Item Closed




Learn To Belay/Wed Climbing/BUCS Trials

BUCS team invited to midlands climbing comp on Dec 4th. Have the drivers to take them as well.

University is not doing BUCS kit but their kit supplier does offer personalised tees as an option. Cost is ~£22, club will not subsidise this.

Also rope climbing comp in Exeter – need to gauge interest to determine whether to run a trip down there.

SWUBS – no movement on that,

Learn to lead – aim to be run at the Arc, but awaiting on confirmation from TCA.

Flashpoint taster – say they don’t do official tasters so just give them advanced warning and rock up. Maybe run on a Wed afternoon instead of TCA or on a Saturday.

TH to gauge interest in Exeter comp.

TH to arrange Flashpoint taster

NS to confirm location of learn to lead

  1. New items



Action required from



Health Declaration Forms

Can we change how these are handled, such that individuals who want to fill one out do so and print and seal and hand to trip organiser who in turn hands to the relevant group leader.

Puts less GDPR pressure on Secretary and also, if forms are given last minute may not be possible for secretary to print and hand to relevant trip organiser.

Could we also update the form to provide an “additional information” box that people could fill out to help advise leaders in case of emergency?

HS to update Health Declaration form to give extra box


Brecon Walking Day Trip

Trip has been approved and paperwork all done. Have drivers sorted as well. Sign up to happen next weekend.

AP and OH to organise



Colour Up Bristol, Bristol Women’s Climbers Clubs etc. meets should be readvertised.

Item Closed

HS to send TH relevant links/resources



2016 Isle of Portland
19 photos
Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016
2016 Gower Peninsula
25 photos
Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016
27 photos
Updated Thu 31 Jul 2014
2017 BUMC Photo Comp
13 photos
Updated Wed 16 Aug 2017
Photo Competition Winners 2012
9 photos
Updated Mon 13 Aug 2012
A year in the life of the BUMC
31 photos
Updated Sun 22 Feb 2009
2015 Lake District
17 photos
Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016
2012/13 Trips
11 photos
Updated Sun 03 Feb 2013
2016 Yorkshire Dales
45 photos
Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016
2015 Snowdonia
11 photos
Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016
2016/2017 Photos
39 photos
Updated Sun 11 Feb 2018
2018 ISB
20 photos
Updated Thu 08 Feb 2018
2014/15 BUMC
9 photos
Updated Fri 04 Sep 2015
2018 Cornwall
12 photos
Updated Mon 11 Jun 2018