BUMC Committee 22/23

24th September 2022

Meeting 3



Claire Spouse (CS) – Chair

Hugh Sanderson (HS) – Secretary

Grace Darcy (GD)- Treasurer

Alex Everest (AE) – Gear Secretary

Amy Goncalves (AG) – Media Secretary

Alesia Vallance (AV) – Social Secretary

Adam Parsons (AP) – Walking Secretary

Ollie Howell (OH) – Walking Secretary

Robin Regan (RR) – Orienteering Secretary

Reuben Strickett (RS) – Orienteering Secretary

Nathan Strange (NS) Climbing Secretary

Thomas Hodges (TH)– Climbing Secretary




  1. Past items


Original item date

Brief description of original issue + update

Further action required from



Freshers’ Week


All events to be put onto external calendar
Event planners for events organised by SU (e.g. Night Hike, Slacklining)
Spreadsheet has been shared for people so people can put down when/where they can help throughout the week.

Walking requires leader:non-leader ratio of 1:12 therefore ~10 leaders required. Does not have to be from committee but best if are

CS, OH, RR, RS to act as appropriate for events.


All on committee to look at when/where they can help and fill spreadsheet out accordingly.



ISB 2023


Going ahead with 12 spaces and Torridon as location. RR currently trying to source accommodation.

Drivers could be an issue with only 2 MPV drivers on returners list. Would also need 2 personal car drivers.
Could be conflict with selection process as without drivers the trip does not happen – therefore do potential drivers get first preference in selection process?

RR to book accommodation and confirm cost once numbers known



Font 2023


Gite is booked for this year. Ferry credit cannot be carried over, therefore new ferries will need to be booked.

NS to continue organising



First Aid


Training to take place on 27th September.

If booked onto course do turn up and ensure online training has been completed.




Drivers & Transport


12 responses to request for drivers from FB post. 9 of which have personal cars with them.

Currently club has 2 MPV drivers, potentially a 3rd.
7 members willing to do MPV test – all to be put through MiDAS theory – waiting on confirmation of Dates from SU Transport Office.

MPVs still only available for a week. SU in contact with external company on changing this.

Ffion said willing to drive MPV for club font trip – associate membership to be organised to allow for this

AG to continue liaising with SU Transport office re: MPV drivers and new drivers registered with SU


CS to sort associate membership for Ffion



Promotion of Club


AG in contact with SU about advertisement of events on plasma screens

Freshers’ week posts are scheduled and website is being updated.

Freshers’ week events not on SU what’s on page

AG to update on plasma screen advertisement on next meeting.

AG to contact SU re: events on What’s on page



Committee Media Profiles


All done and posted – item closed




Evening Orienteering Sessions


AE confirmed storage of electricals in gear store is ok, headtorches have been ordered and potentially arrived.

Evening sessions to go ahead

RR and RS to run evening sessions

AE to confirm arrival of headtorches and log into store



Peaks Trip


Hut is booked, dates to be put onto external calendar

Likely to be personal cars again unless SU rules on MPVs change (see item 7)

NS to continue organising



BMC Safety Seminar


No representatives from committee able to attend due to conflicting dates. Item closed




Teams Channel


HS has set up. Item closed




BritRock or Similar Event


Emails about BritRock have been sent round. No objection from committee about hosting again

Involves paying for licence to publishers of BritRock and then running a product with SU for tickets.

AG to organise




S1 Navigation Skills


JN last year ran one session in S1, plan is to do more frequent sessions this year. Start dates expected tp be mid-November. Two sessions on Wed afternoons

Potential for orienteering related sessions but would require more experienced members to run (e.g. MP or BK)

AP to organise

RR and RS to confirm orienteering related sessions

  1. New items



Action required from


Sunday Walk with Pub Lunch at end

As item name suggests. Ideally hosted towards start of S1? But could have large numbers which makes finding a space more difficult.

Ticketed/sign up event may put people off – would help with numbers though.

To wait and see what numbers are like for first few Sunday walks with a view to hosting in S2

OH and AP to monitor turn out for Sunday walks to consider feasibility


Christmas Meal and Deposit

Week of 5th Dec or 12th Dec? Dependent on where has space for these dates. Not beholden to a Thursday.

Deposit anticipated to be ~£10 pp so £500-600 total

AV to compile shortlist of locations for committee to vote on in Teams


Freshers’ Trip

Annual trip to Snowdonia at the start of the year.

Transport will be coach again – cost of this ~£2k. Budget for transport for trip is £1.9k therefore to meet cost the per person cost will have to be raised by £2

Trip is already capped at £51 thus this cap will need to be raised to £53

Dates on external calendar.

CS to confirm coach booking and continue organising trip


Budget and Insurance

Insurance budget for this year reduced by ~£300

Membership target is 275. Cost of insurance pp is £17.35 therefore can insure ~130 members.

Every member has be to insured or the insurance is void. Cover the cost likely that individuals will have to contribute – i.e. raise cost of joining. Discussions to be had with the SU

HS, CS, GD to meet with SU to discuss more sustainable funding model for insurance cost


2018 Cornwall
12 photos
Updated Mon 11 Jun 2018
2012/13 Trips
11 photos
Updated Sun 03 Feb 2013
2016 Gower Peninsula
25 photos
Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016
2018 ISB
20 photos
Updated Thu 08 Feb 2018
A year in the life of the BUMC
31 photos
Updated Sun 22 Feb 2009
2016 Yorkshire Dales
45 photos
Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016
27 photos
Updated Thu 31 Jul 2014
2017 BUMC Photo Comp
13 photos
Updated Wed 16 Aug 2017
Photo Competition Winners 2012
9 photos
Updated Mon 13 Aug 2012
2015 Lake District
17 photos
Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016
2016/2017 Photos
39 photos
Updated Sun 11 Feb 2018
2016 Isle of Portland
19 photos
Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016
2014/15 BUMC
9 photos
Updated Fri 04 Sep 2015
2015 Snowdonia
11 photos
Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016