BUMC Committee 22/23

1st June 2022



Claire Spouse (CS) – Chair

Hugh Sanderson (HS) – Secretary

Grace Darcy (GD)- Treasurer

Alex Everest (AE) – Gear Secretary

Adam Parsons (AP) – Walking Secretary

Ollie Howell (OH) – Walking Secretary

Thomas Hodges (TH)– Climbing Secretary

Robin Regan (RR) – Orienteering Secretary

Reuben Strickett (RS) – Orienteering Secretary



Amy Goncalves (AG) – Media Secretary

Alesia Vallance (AV) – Social Secretary


  1. New items



Action required from



Fresher’s Week

Arguably most important week for the club. Certainly, the busiest. Planning in advance the best way to mitigate this and make sure we have a head start and avoid last minute planning.

All members to consider what activities the club can offer during this week over the summer


1:1 w/ CS

Opportunity to discuss with the chair people’s plans for their role for the year. Highlight potential areas of concern or failings. Good chance to ask any outstanding questions they may have re: their role.

CS to send out google doc of time slots for given date. Committee to organise as appropriate


ISB 2023

Needs planning in advance due to accommodation, travel, guides etc. Very brief discussion as to who will take lead on this

RR and RS to run this trip and arrange handover from JE


Font 2023

Question as to whether the deposit for this trip should be paid or not. This money will come out of 22/23 budget due to change in SU Policy, however the 22/23 budget would already be costed to factor in a deposit for Font 24 so money is there. Existing treasurer needs to know ASAP.


  • Arguably flagship trip for the club to outsiders. However, not run for the last 3 years (2020 and 21 due to COViD, 22 due to transport).
  • Potential lack of interest from drivers to go bouldering for a week could be an issue. But there is 10 months until the trip so arguably more than enough time to find drivers if start early.
  • Only 2 people in the club who have been before (HS one of them) so could provide a nice opportunity to try something else. Before Font, club used to sport climb in Spain. However, transport issues that plagued this year will be present for any new trip.
  • Transport issues can be alleviated by informing SU Transport (Paul) as early as possible about our intention.

Put to vote of both outgoing and incoming committee as to whether deposit should be paid: Yays: 15, Nays: 2

TH to take lead on this for time being.

TH/CS to contact Transport office ASAP re: driver issues and put plan in place.

TH to get all Font info from outgoing climbing sec

To be rolling agenda item


Goals – weekly activities, one-off events, development, new ideas?

Needs to be greater visibility of club members/committee at events/tasters. Lack of SU sport t-shirts and general club stash exasperate this. Need for club visibility is particularly at start of year with many potential members.

Success of BritRock something eager to replicate (e.g. one of film screenings. Good way to gain extra revenue) Promoter of BritRock emails club account with events club might be interested in hosting.

Regular navigation sessions designed to improve general map reading and nav skills in S1. Trialled briefly last year and had good turn out.
Finding space to do this may be tricky, needs to coordinate with other club activities.
Advised to make use of internal club calendar as much as possible.

Freshers week Night Hike very popular this year as one of few sober evening activities – more helps from committee to manage numbers. Discussion as to need of sign up to limit numbers – decided against as may feel too committing to people in freshers week.
Can make use of SU/Freshers event team for extra help.

All committee members to wear committee t-shirts or club merch at as many club events as possible, especially at start of S1.

Encourage wider membership to use Bath merch wherever possible at club events.

All committee to keep eye out for events club may be able to run


AP and OH to organise.
All members to put provisional dates of events in internal calendar as soon as feasible.


AP and OH to organise, find helpers and inform relevant SU/Freshers team


First Aid

Vicky kindly offered to run a first aid course again. 3 hours in person and 3 hours online training. Cost would be £15pp and 6 people minimum required to run.
Stressed that ideally everyone on committee is first aid trained. Find numbers from committee then advertise to wider club

Proper qualification and lasts 3 years.

List of first aiders within the club to be made/passed on.


Someone from committee to volunteer to take lead on this. To be done soon in S1, to be decided at next meeting


Transport & Drivers

Lack of MPVs and drivers of said vehicles problematic last year. Currently only 3 trained MPV drivers however involvement of these may be questionable. CS and RR have MPV tests upcoming

Currently only able to book MPVs in for a week at a cost of £32/day (excluding VAT @ 20%) plus £15 pick up and drop off fee. Also a mileage limit from SU – Font and ISB both go over this. Above the limit club costs 4p/mile.

Therefore opportunities to arrange tests are limited.

Currently only two people able to do observed drives (Vicky and Paul)

For freshers trip – coach works well and is fairly cheap. Also enough activities available at the hut. Need to contact SU early to arrange this as they have a company they use

Someone on committee to be nominated to be in charge of transport

CS to arrange transport for Fresher’s trip.


Promotion of Club

Social media of club needs to improve, events need to be promoted more.
Suggestions of ways to improve:

  • Take over of SU TikTok
  • Takeover of SU Instagram in Fresher’s week
  • Introduction to committee posts over summer – ideally posted in the run up to Fresher’s week
  • Committee need to engage better on posts (likes, shares etc.)

Engagement and posting over the summer

  • Suggestion of encouraging club members to tag club accounts in their personal posts showcasing their activities that can be re-hared via club accounts

AG to look into takeover of SU accounts for freshers week and club engagement over the summer with BUMC social channels.


Co-opting a second climbing sec

Need for 2nd climbing secretary is obvious.
Question is do we have to wait until 1st August before we can start advertising the spare role or can we do now

Process requires club wide advertisement of role and chance to send in manifestos. Opportunity for current committee to review candidates and vote on who they want to elect at a committee meeting. Then notification to SU

CS to contact SU re: when we can start co-opting the role.



27 photos
Updated Thu 31 Jul 2014
Photo Competition Winners 2012
9 photos
Updated Mon 13 Aug 2012
2016/2017 Photos
39 photos
Updated Sun 11 Feb 2018
A year in the life of the BUMC
31 photos
Updated Sun 22 Feb 2009
2012/13 Trips
11 photos
Updated Sun 03 Feb 2013
2018 ISB
20 photos
Updated Thu 08 Feb 2018
2018 Cornwall
12 photos
Updated Mon 11 Jun 2018
2015 Snowdonia
11 photos
Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016
2016 Gower Peninsula
25 photos
Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016
2015 Lake District
17 photos
Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016
2016 Isle of Portland
19 photos
Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016
2016 Yorkshire Dales
45 photos
Updated Sat 30 Jul 2016
2014/15 BUMC
9 photos
Updated Fri 04 Sep 2015
2017 BUMC Photo Comp
13 photos
Updated Wed 16 Aug 2017