Socials & Events

Below is a list of the socials and events generally run by the BUMC.
- Pub Socials
- Score Social
- Picnic socials
- Brit Rock Screenings
- Talks (from the likes of bath alumni Jesse Dufton and professor David Coley)
- Movie Nights
- Ice Skating
- Pub quizzes
- Christmas Meal
This is not an exhaustive list of what we are up to, club members will also receive an email summarising the upcoming week's activities every Sunday night, so make sure to buy a membership! As a member, you can also check the events on our private Facebook page and google calendar (which works best on PC).
This year we aim to increase the number of sober socials and women-only social climbing sessions alongside our regular socials to ensure everyone feels like they have a place in the club.