We support and empower others. We work to reduce the stigma around issues like domestic violence, abuse and mental health on campus. We fundraise for VOICES, a charity supporting at-risk women.
What We Do
Bath Minervas is a volunteering group focused on empowering others through collaboration, service and leadership. As well as tackling issues such as domestic violence and sexual objectification, our group provides an opportunity for students at the University of Bath to come together as strong leaders and dedicate their time to helping others.
We'll be running meetings and socials where you can get in touch with us to discuss important issues, share stories and raise awareness all whilst eating pizza or decorating cakes. We hope to create an inclusive and welcoming space on campus where people are able to voice their opinions and discuss issues that matter to them. We're passionate about raising awareness and cutting the stigma regarding abuse and mental health.
We are partnered with VOICES; Bath's independent charity that provides peer support and recovery programmes specifically for women who are experiencing or have experienced Domestic Abuse. Minervas aims to support VOICES through fundraising and raising awareness for them. Please do contact us with suggestions via email that YOU may have for socials and fundraising opportunities in support of these important causes.
Reasons to Join Us
As a University of Bath student, joining the Bath Minervas is an excellent opportunity to engage in the local city community while supporting a worthy cause. We want to help encourage the once-taboo discussion of domestic abuse and people at risk including those at university. You can help support victim-survivors and provide beneficial resources to the VOICES organisation through your membership and joining our social events. We are hoping to create a supportive community within our group through meetings, projects, and social events. Finally, there are exciting opportunities to engage in self-development and improve your leadership skills within our volunteering group; we hope to see you soon!
To Join: 'Purchase' a FREE membership using the link on the left of the page. Then join our Facebook group so you can keep updated on the events we run throughout the year! The link for the Facebook group is also on the left of the page.

Chair: Amelia Stevenson-Kay
Secretary: Joy Harris
Contact Us:
su-minervas@bath.ac.uk for all enquiries.