Sexual health is a big issue within the LGBT+ community. Here we run a yearly meeting on sexual health, but a wealth of information about safe sex and where to get sexual health testing can be found online with the links at the bottom of this page.
If ever you are worried or in doubt, please contact
lgbt@bath.ac.uk who will be able to provide advice and support, or put you in touch with someone who can help.
The Riverside Health Clinic offers free, LGBT+ inclusive, non-judgmental and confidential sexual health testing, treatment and advice. Their services include walk-in clinics and booked appointments. To book an appointment call 01225 831593.
Prevention is key
It's important to recognise that the risk of STIs can be reduced by practising safe sex and using protection. Oral, anal and vaginal sex all carry risks. Using condoms, dental dams, femidoms etc. can greatly reduce your risk of catching an STI. These are all available on campus in the Advice & Representation Centre in Level 3 of the SU, at the GUM clinic and online at
Helpful Links