Intra-Club Awards 2018
Fresher of the Year
Fresher of the Year is awarded to a new member who most throws themselves into the training and socialising of the club. They not only turn up but make friends and get as involved as possible, to the point that when they win the award no one can believe they’ve only been a part of the group for a year. In 2017-18, for immediately joining in with training, gradings, the team and even winning a medal at the National University Kickboxing Championships, Fresher of the Year went to Zihao Xu.

Most Improved
With over 10 hours of training a week available, the opportunity to improve at Bath is unrivalled. Former kickboxing novices have left the club with black belts, national medals and memories of a crowd chanting their name. In order to be the most improved, you have to take every opportunity, being coached without ego or wanting to give up. In 2017-18, Sara Goiri quietly took each chance as it came, moving up the ranks to have success in competitions and events, and was unanimously awarded Most Improved.

Female Fighter of the Year
With over 200 female members every year, there’s a lot of competition at Bath to be considered our top fighter. Success in competitions, gradings, shows and training are all considered, along with the attitude and energy they bring to everything. 2017-18 was especially difficult to choose, with a huge number of our women excelling in every measure. The eventual winner impressed everyone from day one and has since been elected as your women’s captain. Congratulations to Louise Quaife.

Male Fighter of the Year
Every year, Bath’s male fighters find new events and disciplines to excel in. In addition to the regular PUMA and National Championships, in 2018 Bath sent fighters to semi- and full-contact fight nights all over the country. Between these events, grading and training, the number of nominees was more varied and prestigious than ever before. Due to his success in National Championships, gradings and teaching the team some extremely flashy kicks, the 2017-18 Male Fighter of the Year went to Dom Jacka.

Heart and Soul Award
The Heart and Soul Award is the prize that most captures what Bath Kickboxing is all about. It is awarded to the member most responsible for the success of Bath Kickboxing, whether socially or competitively. It acknowledges that we are a uni group run by volunteers who help out for the love of the sport and club. Generally, committee members are excluded as they volunteer for their roles and know that they are to be depended on. However, in 2017-18, we felt there had to be an exception to this rule. Not content with being the club development officer who helped form our first ever 1st Team, National Sparring Seminar and any other crazy committee ideas, the winner also fought, coached, carried, drove, drank, organised and bench pressed the club to our most successful year ever. The 2017-18 Heart and Soul Award was awarded to Tom Watson.

Outstanding Contribution
Our version of the lifetime achievement award (except our winners are generally 21-22), this prize is given to the graduating member who gave most to the club. Whether on the committee, the team or socially, they shaped the club in their years at Bath and ensured they left it in an even better place than when they joined. After having success as a fighter, events manager and men’s captain, the 2017-18 award and first ever winner was Oli Potter.