Putting global responsibility at the heart of engineering We have no planet B


Frequently Asked Questions!

If your question isn't answered here, reach out to us on Facebook or at su-iwb@bath.ac.uk.

Q: What is EWB?

A: Engineers Without Borders is an international organisation and registered charity in the UK which aims to inspire, enable and influence global responsibility through engineering. Read more about EWB’s vision and values on the national website. https://www.ewb-uk.org/who-we-are/strategy/ 


Q: What does EWB Bath do?

A: Our society do a very diverse range of activities, it’s hard to list them all! But the common thread between our activities is mostly about inspiring and enabling global responsibility through engineering. Throughout the year, expect to see group workshops using recycled materials; conferences about technology, ethical issues and global challenges; residential trips within the UK or abroad; community projects; outreach in schools; social events and collaborations! There’s a lot to get involved in and membership is only £5!


Q: Do I have to be an engineer or in STEM to join?

A: No, our society is open to anyone who wants to get involved in our workshops, volunteer with outreach, attend talks and other any events. Very few of our events require any specific engineering knowlege at all, but if you are worried about the technical knowledge expected, then just send us a message before-hand.


Q: Why does it say IWB in some places?

A: Until quite recently, this society was called 'Innovation Without Borders.' We have officially re-affiliated with EWB-UK now, and are EWB-Bath again, but some things are still being changed, so please bare with us during the transitional period as url's and emails will eventually switch to be Engineers Without Borders.


Q: What do you have against borders?

A: People everywhere deserve a world where they can achieve their potential and live healthy, happy lives. The reality today is far from this and some of us still lack access to basic services. All of us are at risk from resource constraints, the effects of climate change, increasing urbanisation and a global population that is rapidly expanding. We know that engineering is the solution that can break the barriers to good quality of life everywhere.


Q: Does my student membership to EWB at Bath give me access to the same benefits as a member of EWB-UK?

A: No, to keep costs down for our members we do not include EWB-UK membership, but we do seriously encourage anyone who is interested in doing international work through EWB to consider purchasing that individual membership.


Q: Does EWB Bath go abroad?

A: In the past we have sent out members to Ghana and we would love to do that again. Recent changes to EWB-UK’s policy mean that could not continue our member-led partnership, but we can support applicants for international projects and placements through the charity. We hope to continue international efforts in the future and you can find updates here and on Facebook, but unfotunately there are no current plans for such a trip.


Q: Do EWB events count towards my Bath Award?

A: Yes, every year we have several students writing about their experiences with EWB for the skills. If you are a member and you aren't doing the Bath Award, we ecourage you to get involved.


Q: What are '#inreach' events?

A: '#inreach' is something new we are trying out this year. Anyone can post a #inreach on the facebook page to do something social. The committee will be doing it, it might be a gig, or a drink in the SU or lunch or late night take away. It isnt a proper organised event, but it hopefully helps members be a part of the EWB family.


Q: What if I signed up for an outreach session but cannot make it?

A: Message Jan or Ben if you’re unable to attend a session as soon as possible. It is really important for the outreach coordinators to know how many volunteers can attend an outreach workshop. 


Q: Where is the best place to keep up to date with the society's events?

A: The number one place to find out about all our events will be on our Facebook page. We will also send out monthly emails about upcoming events and sign-ups for space limited events can be found on https://www.thesubath.com/iwb/signups/ .


Q: Can I do my final year project with EWB?

A: Maybe, if your course allows you to propose a project to work on, message us regarding your interests or if you have EWB-UK membership then you can post directly onto their forum to hear from EWB's network of contacts. 


Outreach 16/17
18 photos
Updated Wed 22 Mar 2017
Water Wheel Workshop - 2012
5 photos
Updated Mon 06 Mar 2017
Bath Taps Science Fair - 2017
19 photos
Updated Sun 19 Mar 2017
E, W and B Social
36 photos
Updated Mon 12 Nov 2007
Paper Wind Turbine Challenge!!
11 photos
Updated Tue 14 Oct 2014