Putting global responsibility at the heart of engineering
We have no planet B
For general enquiries, please email su-ewb@bath.ac.uk
Hey! We are the committee for the 2024/25 academic year.
To find out what our society is up to, find us on Instagram @ewbbath.
Chair - Genevieve Morris - gm2030@bath.ac.uk Y2 Civil Engineering
Treasurer - Daniel Shackleton - ds2623@bath.ac.uk Y2 Integrated Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
Secretary - Vedasri Tirumala - st2485@bath.ac.uk Y2
Events Manager --> Grace Wu - @bath.ac.uk Y2
Outreach Officer - Tania Rawat - @bath.ac.uk Y2
Social Secretary - Gabrielle Tregear - @bath.ac.uk Y1 Design Engineering