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Groups Day 26/09/24:

[Apologies if I misread your time capsule!]

Is Lord of the Rings still good?
Pia was here :) The rain was crazy today, hopefully the weather is nice on the day this [the time capule box] is open again :)
This too shall pass :)
emi B cool :)
2024 Groups Day Very Busy dispite dodgy weather. I hope HistArc is the start of a long running society. This year, the recreational socities are near the SU at 1E. Fortunately we all got 1 table each.
you only live once.
This w is supercool fr chat Brix
Books r preferable to anything because I think stories are some thing uniquely human & what sets us apart but also makes us what we are.

Drawing of Shakespear saying 'erm, what the sigma?', signed 25/09 2024 JameDrawing of a flower with the message 'Momo: Hi. I want/wish you're happy as you're right now'Drawing of Peter Griffin from Family Guy saying 'Even at my Lois, at the end of the day I'm still a family guy', signed 26 Sept 2024Flyer advertising events at the Tub. It encourages society committees to book the Tub for their socials.