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Juggling, diabolo, poi, unicycles, fire and more - Bath's very own circus skills society! We do all kinds of juggling magics

Gravity Vomit Meeting 25/10/10



Marky J Workshop has had positive feedback

Cost of session

                        -£50 for marky J

                        -£64 for jumps and throws hall


                        Possible alternative venue

                        Different Time

Possibly charge £1 or £2 to members who want to go to the workshop to help cover costs



                        Renegade session after Haggis?

Potentially hire only half the jumps hall as limited number of hats and so less space required. Thus hire cost is £32 instead of £64

Due to limit hats – First come first serve


                        After xmas February time – Need Faye to look into


Need to look into possibilities, Circus maniacs , circus space and others


Public Sessions

            Due to the law

Under 18’s would have to be accompanied by an adult, emphasis on this during advertisement

                        Might have to ID those who look around 18? – Needs to be looked into

            Aim to start in march


            Venue possibilities

School halls, form links with local schools and offer to run a session for their students after school ie 4-6pm and afterwards run a public session from 6-8pm, hopefully avoid cost of hall hire all together and form ties with the community

Need to get in touch with local schools


Need to look into car hire, and having drivers so that we can transport equipment and people to the venue.


Unicycle hockey        

            Need to book jumps hall

            Run the first session for the 5th of December

            And send an email to members about it

            Hockey kit need 10 sticks and 2 goals , approx £100 – Need Tom to look into

            Also need old tennis balls for unicycle hockey talk to STV – Tom

            Possibly need a floorboard rink?

            And agreement that a new committee member should run it.


Fire sessions

Links session 7:30pm to 9pm Thursday 1e 3.6 for st johns safety session 1e 3.6

Tom, Leo and Matt are happy to run the sessions


RAG session Saturday November the 6th, want gravity vomit to do so fire and glow walk about

                        Grips on hoops need to be done

                        Fire equipment needs re-wicking and re-gripping - Matt


Normady exchange program

Is in its infancy but worth more attention

Ask for emails in both English and French as the correspondence in English was hard to understand


Stash Order

            Shirts , Hoodies and possably underwear and hats.

            Look into possible new designs

            Designs for Friday session ( 29/10/10)

            Cost quotes for Friday session ( 29/10/10) – Lee

            Want last orders by 12th November


Club order

            By end of November / Start of December

            Deadline of 2nd send out feelers on around the 22nd


Cake Book

            Need to contact Rag – Leo

            Need photos to be taken à Photo soc ./ Chinnery / Kenny?

ISTW –International student taster week

            Friday the 5th of November

            Might need a big hall

However as this is the first year of it running, unable to know how many people may or may not turn up. Potentially this year as just a recon, and tell next years committee


Arts general meeting

            Tues the 9th of November – Matt + Tom



            Update old website

                        Make sure links and references work

            Make new website, things this may include are;

                        Pics, vids


                        News feed


                        Committee details

                        Events past, present and future

                        Cake recipes and other cakey things

                        And an easy way for members to pay for stash / club orders

Designed to be easy to update by next years committee with out any prior knowledge of the system

Will take along time so looking at final version up and running a few months before end of next year.


Lazy members

            Many people want to join gv (regulars and freshers) But are too lazy to actually go on bath student and do the deadly deed. Thus committee members can take details and money off of them to sign them up – Tom



            Done by end of November!!!

And a vote by proxy system so that lazy people can vote in sessions instead of at bath student

Next meeting Monday the 8th November 6:30 pm at spoons 


Upchuck 2018
41 photos
Updated Tue 10 Apr 2018
Gravity Vomit Socials 14/15
14 photos
Updated Thu 26 Feb 2015
Gravity Vomit Sessions 08-09
20 photos
Updated Fri 29 May 2009
Gravity Vomit Socials 08-09
14 photos
Updated Sun 26 Apr 2009
UpChuck Day 2014
16 photos
Updated Mon 11 Aug 2014
UpChuck 2015
12 photos
Updated Fri 19 Jun 2015
Upchuck Show 2014
27 photos
Updated Mon 11 Aug 2014
Gravity Vomit - Fire Sessions (06-07)
16 photos
Updated Tue 11 Sep 2007
Freshers week fire spin 2018
23 photos
Updated Wed 26 Sep 2018
Gravity Vomit - General Sessions and events (06-07
23 photos
Updated Tue 11 Sep 2007