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Juggling, diabolo, poi, unicycles, fire and more - Bath's very own circus skills society! We do all kinds of juggling magics

  Gravity Vomit Meeting 07/02/11


 Here you will find a brief summary of what we talked about in our meeting on Monday the 7th of February 2011




GV has received a new cage for storing juggling equipment, due to an increase in our demand as we now many many many unicycles (Go unicycle hockey!)

Now we have space available to store the unicycles Matt will now be building all the spare unicycles in prep for our first unicycle hockey game on sunday the 13th of Feb




GV Elections are held at the end of march - Scary clowns will as always be awesome. But as a committee we need to let people know when were in sessions about  it, so that there will be lots of interest closer to the date. 


Silk workshops:


Were planning on running a silks workshop soon, for this we need to request funding from the ICIA, Faye has pledged to fight the bureaucratic war and fill in all the necessary forms.


Next Social:

The next social will be Pokémon themed!!! And will be on Friday the 18th of February. With theory being the likely club event and drinks in town to be sorted. Faye is on the job and will confirm all the details soon.




Gravity vomits external website is in the process of being shut down, partly because the university doesn’t feel that we require it anymore and partly because of the bureaucratic nightmare of getting them to let us have it. As a committee we decided that we didn’t really need it, Bath student catered for all our needs and UpChucks external one serves all our external needs. 

Our bath student website will be judged over the next few weeks, an award and prizes are on offer for the society with the best website. 

Lee has said he will try to; Embed several of our you tube videos into the pages so that they are easier to access and more obvious. Embed the latest video into our home page. And generally update the minutes.


Unicycle Hockey:


Scheduled for Sunday the 13th of February at 3-4pm in the founders hall. For members this will be free, even though there are cost of renting the founders hall involved. We are expecting some non members from Bristol and they will be charged a modest fee of £2. With Tom and Matt having volunteered to run the day.

Plans for the first Sunday of the month to be used for unicycle hockey



The hoodies have finally arrived, and will be handed out on Friday sessions, Lee will send a group email telling everyone, as well as handing out and collecting cash on the day. 

T-shirts have not been ordered yet, but Lee has said that they will be ordered in the next few days. And we can hope to have them in two to three weeks.




Tom is all over that budget and knows exactly where all the money is or isn’t. He gave us a break down or money left for workshops, kit and over funds. 


Arts Barn:


There will be NO arts barn on  13/2, 27/2, 6/3

On the 13th we have unicycle hockey instead. On the  27th its the day after Upchuck and we all anticipate a much needed day of rest. On the 6th we plan to have another unicycle hockey session. 


Public sessions:


Still waiting for Hayes Field Girls School to get back to us on the details. At the moment they want us to run a session for their kids from two-three pm on the Friday, and then we can use the hall for are own public sessions afterwards. This clashes with normal GV Friday sessions and so Scott has dedicated a large chunk of his life into getting in contact with them, trying to negotiate better times for us. And / Or looking into alternative venues. There is a possibility of rearranging the entire GV normal schedule to accommodate public sessions as we feel they are too cool and important not to do. Giving something back to the community we live in is very important to us.


Date of next meeting:


Was provisionally been set for Sat the 5th of march but is subject to looking into as Lee can not make it. 







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Gravity Vomit - Fire Sessions (06-07)
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Gravity Vomit Socials 08-09
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UpChuck 2015
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