
One of the main benefits of joining the golf society is the lessons offered to students at a reduced rate throughout the year. Lessons are with PGA professional Philip Cloak and James Hannam and happen every Monday evening at the STV, and Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon at Bath Golf. Check out our Instagram for our 'Meet the Coaches' post.

The price of the lesson package (originally £55) has been reduced to £30 to reflect that there are now only 9 lessons left!

This is outstanding value for money as a single lesson with a pro costs £60 an hour, with this package put forward by the golf society you can have up to 18 lessons (on a first come first serve basis).

In order to be able to purchase the lesson product you will have to pay the SU Sport Membership Fee (http://www.thesubath.com/shop/product/10111380/) and the Golf membership fee. Without purchasing these you will not be able to take part in the lessons,

Activities usually include going on the driving range, short game area, and playing on the golf course.

There are 6-time slots for 2024/25. This may increase to 7 slots if there is enough interest.

The start date for semester 1 is 16th October 2024 and for semester 2 is 5th February 2025.


Mondays in the Jumps and Throws Hall at the STV

From 5:00-6:00 PM, a lesson for mixed-ability golfers

From 6:00- 7:00 PM, a lesson for mixed- ability golfers


Tuesday at Bath Golf Club *New for semester 2*

From 12:00-1:00 PM

From 1:00- 2:00 PM


Wednesdays at Bath Golf Club

From 12:00-1:00 PM, a lesson for female-only golfers. 

From 1:00 - 2:00 PM, a lesson for advanced golfers (handicaps below 28).

From 2:00 - 3:00 PM, a lesson for intermediate golfers (some golf experience).

From 3:00 - 4:00 PM, a lesson for beginner golfers (absolute beginners).

On Wednesdays, the best place to meet before the lessons is outside the pro shop, where James or Phil will meet you before you depart for whichever practice area you’ll use that day.










Signups for the lessons go live every Sunday on the SU Golf webpage at 3 PM. You don't have to attend the same slot each week!

All lesson goers need to have signed up and paid the lesson fee, as over-attendance means health and security risks.

Any questions, drop us a message! su-golf@bath.ac.uk


Development Squad Lessons

Like the recreational golf lessons, you will be required to purchase the £55 lessons product. However, the lessons will be run with Russell Covey. Attendance to these sessions is dependant on you making the third team. 

They run fortnightly on Saturday afternoons. There are two slots from 11-12pm, and 12-1pm. Maximum of 4 per group. The start dates are the same as above. 

Any questions, drop us a message! su-golf@bath.ac.uk


How to get to Bath Golf Club


5 photos
Updated Fri 09 Oct 2015
43 photos
Updated Sun 14 May 2023
6 photos
Updated Mon 18 Feb 2013