There’s plenty going on in the French Society the whole year round.
Members are free to join in with as many or as few activities as they please.
Here’s a list of everything we do in the Society.


CHEESE & WINE EVENING – Come and enjoy some free cheese and wine, speak a bit of français and meet the other members. These evenings will also give you a great chance to find out more about the fantastic events BUFS has planned for this year.

FILM NIGHTS – We will put on a French film for our members, a great way to relax after a long day!

SOCIALS – We had some great socials last year – this year we plan to make them bigger and better! Stay tuned to find out what socials will be taking place this year


Join us as a participant or a supporter in cheering on our sporting teams as they attempt to champion the intermural leagues at the university. Be there!



Cheese & Wine Evening 14/10/2010
5 photos
Updated Sat 16 Oct 2010
25 photos
Updated Thu 11 Feb 2010
First French Night! (30/07/09)
5 photos
Updated Thu 30 Jul 2009
Merlot Mondays 12/10/15
13 photos
Updated Wed 28 Oct 2015
Paris Pre-Party 09
10 photos
Updated Tue 07 Sep 2010
Paris Trip 2010
87 photos
Updated Wed 22 Dec 2010